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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-08-2014, 07:54 PM

"Hm," Sophie responded. So that was all. He came back for her to make a statement. Not because she was a captive human being, being experimented on and that it was wrong. No other reason than that Sophie had been and still was, the white haired wonder's pawn. What did she expect, honestly? Anger bubbled inside her, but then it left in an exhale. She was too tired and weak to care.

When he stood and excused himself so Sophie could change, she didn't say anything. There wasn't much left to say now. A 'thank you' certainly didn't seem to apply to the situation. She sat there for too long, trying to convince herself to move. Finally she did. She'd be happy to get out of the hospital gown, and burn the thing if she could. Sophie glanced around as if to check that she couldn't be seen, not that she felt like it made a difference anymore. With the gown off and tossed away, Sophie was scared to even look at herself.

She was visibly skinnier, and her skin that was usually a lovely sun kissed color, was pale. She had an unwanted tattoo of numbers down the inside of her left forearm and what might be permanent scars in small circle shapes from large needles, hoses and wires in various places; the bends of her elbows, down her right forearm and a few down the upper bit of her spine where they'd accessed her spinal cord. There was another noticeable one on the right side of her head where there was a square patch about the size of a matchbox of hair missing. The hair had begun to grow back by now, but it would be many years before it reached the length her golden hair was now. There had been wires there.

There was a strange curve shaped burn mark running vertically on the upper right side of her chest. It had never been a serious burn and would be gone in a few days with no lingering marks to prove it had ever been there. That had come during an adverse effect of one of their experimental medications meant to keep Sophie under control, yet awake. Her body had a severe reaction to it and she'd gone into cardiac arrest. They'd had to use a defibrillator to resuscitate Sophie, to bring her back from the brink of death. The electrical shock had burned her skin there. She remembered that one all too clearly.

Tears stung at her eyes. She'd been through a lot, and that story barely scratched the surface. She was having a hard time believing she was really free. Sophie put her other clothes on, minus the deep red cloak that she'd been given in another world, the one she'd first fled from Ryan into. She was left in a comfortable pair of shorts, that were made to look like a skirt. Something summery, from who-knows-where, and a tank top that had straps woven across the back with strange little diamond-like jewels scattered throughout it and one side hung off of one of Sophie's shoulders. Another item from a place unlike this.

Both things hung more loosely from Sophie than they had before, and she sniffed back the tears threatening to spill over her cheeks. She wouldn't cry. She couldn't. Seriously, she didn't have the energy or reserves for it. She was exhausted. Sophie sat on the couch with the broken springs. She laid on her side with the plan that she would rest for just a moment, and then let Ryan know she was changed and leaving. She couldn't stay here. And she certainly couldn't stay with Ryan.

In less than a minute, Sophie's eyes had drifted shut on the uncomfortable couch, and she was sleeping. It hadn't been her intention, in fact, sleeping would probably never be her intention ever again. The idea of sleep terrified Sophie nowadays. Yet here she was, lost in a deep slumber caused by immense malnutrition and exhaustion. Laying on her left side, her tattoo and spot on the side of her head were very visible. As were her cheekbones and the dark circles under her eyes. It was truly a good thing that the once beautiful Sophie hadn't looked for a mirror.