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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-18-2014, 01:46 PM

Day 4 EntriesX

This is so Merkhet!
Username: Dystopia
My Entry fits the theme because: There has to be wine at your Christmas celebrations! Bring a touch of Merkhet to the party with this lovely Sphinx wine holder.

---------- Post added 12-25-2014 at 08:37 PM ----------

This is so Merkhet!
Username: Dystopia
My Entry fits the theme because: And you can keep that wine in this wine glass, featuring art inspired by ancient Egypt.
This is so Merkhet!
Username: linapoo
My Entry fits the theme because: Figs are a traditional food eaten at many festivals during Egyptian times. :)

This is so Merkhet!
Username: linapoo
My Entry fits the theme because: I drew a dancer, since dance is a tradition that has been seen in Egyptian history. Dance is used for many celebratory occasions. :D
This is so Milos!
Username: SuperZombiePotatoe
My Entry fits the theme because: A bonfire in the forest. All the wine and cheese you can eat. Dancing to music that seemingly floats through the air. Good company. It all fits Milos' homey vibe :)
This is so Milos!
Username: zigbigadorlube
Entry: Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
My Entry fits the theme because: On Milos there is a traditional feast at almost every holiday. This plate and wine glass a representative of the sorts of tableware you would see at such an occasion.
This is so Milos!
Username: SUperZombiePotatoe
My Entry fits the theme because: If there's one thing you'll definitely find at a Milos festival, it's dancing. The inhabitants love it as it brings them together. This artwork shows one of their favourite kinds of dance.
This is so Milos!
Username: Mythos

My Entry fits the theme because: I drew a 'lantern' because with all of the night time festivities during this time of year on Milos, the islanders hang up fairy houses in the trees to show love for their fairy neighbors and light the groves where their winter parties take place.
This is so Milos!
My Entry fits the theme because: Ahh the feast horn of cornucopia. All sorts of delicious delicacy's can be found within. Some from the back yard and others from neighboring islands. Hosts love to fill them to over flowing to impress their guests.

This is so Milos!
My Entry fits the theme because: All celebrations are filled with fun food and dancing. Music is a very important part of any celebration. Which is no different in Milos. They're particularly famous for songs using their wind instruments.
No time to make anything today, sorry team! ilu!

This is so Milos!

My Entry fits the theme because: Since satyr learn to play wind instruments from a young age, flute music is something you'd be sure to hear at celebrations in Milos!
This is so Dainae!
Username: star2000shadow
My Entry fits the theme because: Because we don't get snow, unless it's magicked up, we decorate trees with white lites to imitate snow as well as place wishes, little peices of papers with our deepest desires, on wishing trees that can be located on temple grounds.

---------- Post added 12-25-2014 at 11:45 PM ----------

This is so Dainae!
Username: star2000shadow
My Entry fits the theme because: Everyone brings out their best dishes around the holidays, and what's more festive then having dishes with the island's respected dragon's on it to bring a little luck.
This is so Dainae!
Username: hummy
My Entry fits the theme because:
to celebrate our holiday festival, our dragon boat festival brings out the friendly competitive nature of our Dainaeans. we enjoy each others company and eat our favorite festival favorites! come out and cheer on your team.

---------- Post added 12-26-2014 at 08:14 AM ----------

This is so Dainae!
Username: hummy

My Entry fits the theme because:
our dragon dance is steeped in holiday tradition. it brings good fortune to the islands people and crops. it's beautiful to participate in or to spectate!
This is so Dainae!
Username: Maria-Minamino
My Entry fits the theme because: ...I was in the middle of drawing this and my computer completely froze and crashed. WTF So you are getting a google search instead.

This fits because I believe the people of Dainae would release lanterns on Christmas to celebrate the holidays.
Entry Form:
This is so Dainae!
Username: Salvete
My Entry fits the theme because: one of the holiday traditions for certain Asian cultures is to teach children to make origami figures. This origami dragon (made of red construction paper for Tatsu the Dragon and decorated with green stars for the holidays) is a personal craft and one example of a paper creation that children in Dainae may learn from their elders to fold.
And here's my second entry for the day!

Entry Form:
This is so Dainae!
Username: Salvete
My Entry fits the theme because: this is a traditional red and gold Chinese lantern that I drew on the computer. During the holidays, the people of Dainae can write messages of luck and happiness on lanterns and light them up for decoration during the nighttime. I wrote the Chinese character for "dragon" on this lantern for our mascot, Tatsu the Dragon, and studded it with gemstones to symbolize Dainae's gemstone harvest as well as its wealth.
This is so Dainae!
Username: Captain Howdy
My Entry fits the theme because: On the darkest night of winter, the people of Dainae light lanterns. This is to attract the Great Dragon, so that it will bless of us with happiness and good fortune.

This is so Dainae!
Username: Captain Howdy
My Entry fits the theme because: Fruits printed with special characters are given out. They are said to grant luck, wealth, health and other good things to those who eat and share them. They are especially popular with lovers.
This is so Dainae!
Username: Chexala
My Entry fits the theme because: With all the color weather, some Dainaese people celebrate the winter solstice with a hot citrus bath. The bath is said to promote your health and well-being through the coming winter months, and is totally cozy!

This is so Dainae!
Username: Chexala
My Entry fits the theme because: Behold the fabulous dragon fruit, which is a cactus fruit from south-east Asia. I can imagine these being a traditional New Year's food in Dainae.

Last edited by Cora; 12-27-2014 at 01:16 PM..