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Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-19-2014, 08:51 PM

The ship landed in an older part of the port yard. It was not interested in being seen it seemed, guards lingering around the place. It was after all a planet notorious for smuggling and less than savory activity. So why was Ritsuka here? He had been calling this place home for a while sadly, a sigh escaping from his lips as he slipped off the ship. A few of the men who were guarding the place glanced at him. They looked like less than savory characters themselves. He turned away, heading away from them. What he was seeking was not here. He made his way along the streets, picking up snippets of information along the way. It seemed that people here were as lively as ever. A hand moved to brush his long ponytail from his shoulder, as a few people glanced in his direction.

One would not think that he would be in a place like this. He frowned, looking back at them. His eyes slightly daring them to make a move against him. None did as usual, not that getting into a fight might be what some would call the jedi way. He continuied along, walking towards the place where he had been staying. A refugee camp on this world. One could not really classify him as a refugee though. He was not one of them....and yet he was. It made little sense, so it was better to not have to explain it to anyone. He paused outside of the gates, a frown forming upon his lips. He got the sense of something. Something that did not happen, unless there was another like him around. Another wielder of the force. It was an odd esp kind of thing, though he supposed that a more experienced jedi would say that it is the force in action.

They all seemed to be able to sense one another. Like being close to another of the force caused an instant connection. Made for some interesting experiences with the least that was what he had heard. So, a jedi was here? Why would one be out in this place? He slipped inside, curiosity coming over him, getting the better. He followed his sense, moving along until he stood outside of the location, where the sense was coming from. He stared at it, now noting a feeling of something more. Sadness and death, which made his heart clench slightly.