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salvete is offline
Old 11-23-2014, 06:43 PM

~*Creativity + Family Dinner*~

I didn't get to document yesterday's events here, so doing this today!
Note: I am writing this as if it were still yesterday, just for clarification.

So I had made a really cool business card holder as a side project for my enjoyment, quite a few years ago. I revisited my project today, and made it even better! I love being able to express my creativity in using my hands to make and build things. I improved my project so that all of the business cards were arranged in alphabetical order. But more importantly, I made it so that it would be super easy to add or remove a business card from the holder. For example, if I had another business card to add, I would simply identify where it would go on the business card holder (based on alphabetical order), do some clipping and unclipping, and voila! The card has been added to the business card holder within half a minute. Also, I love that the project is super colorful.

I also had a wonderful dinner with family just now. We had a gigantic pot of chicken soup boiling on the table, into which we tossed in everything from fried tofu and fish paste balls to thin slices of lamb meat and spam slices to spinach and some other green leafy vegetable to tofu skin...the list goes on and on! I had all of these scrumptious meat and veggie dishes with bowls of white rice covered in a delicious sauce. I unfortunately do not know what the sauce contains, but it was brown in color and very yummy. Maybe it had some peanut butter in it? It was a little spicy as well.

For dessert, we had bought a mouth-watering cheesecake that was conveniently pre-sliced. That was super delicious, too. At first, I was unsure whether I would be able to finish an entire slice on my own, but after sinking my fork into it and taking a bite, I knew I would want to finish the entire cake (although I would be physically incapable of doing so...maybe...)

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Anyway, I had a very enjoyable (although not as productive as I would like) day!

Last edited by salvete; 11-24-2014 at 01:19 AM..