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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-30-2014, 08:38 AM

Alec smiled as he handed the remote to her. "Here you choose then." He said knowing she would enjoy getting to pick the movie more than he would. He had never really took the time to watch movies. Not that he hadn't wanted to he had always just been to busy with the temple and work. When he wasn't working for the temple he helped his brother with work. This would be his first time just relaxing. He had to admit with Jany it was rather fun. No wonder his parents enjoyed doing this more than work. He thought as he just sat there and gently held Jany close to him.

Jenny smiled as she kept exploring the large house. she noted there was about two bathrooms on each floor but with how large it was she guessed it was needed for most humans. She rambled back down to the kitchen where she smiled at how large it was. She could defiantly have fun in this kitchen. There was enough room for ten people to be with her and none of them to bumph into one another. She could easily bake here and still have room of everything. She wondered out to the garage as she saw it was big enough for two cars. Though she wondered if maybe they should do something else with it. They honestly didn't need a car with how close this house was to Nick's family and school. They also had the bus close and trams. She turned as she saw a pair of stairs that lead down into the rest of the basement. She was amazed with all the book shelving that someone had put down stairs. It was piratically the size of the library. She wondered if it was something Nick would like. She liked the idea of all the books. She saw a side door off to the left and open it as she saw a glass room that was screened in from ceiling to floor in nothing but glass. There was a large conference table in the middle of the room with chairs all around. The beautiful guarding just on the outside of it and beautiful flowers on the inside. She took as seat in one of the chairs as she fell in love. This was the one room of the house she wanted for herself more than anything. She had never seen something so beautiful.