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Mushroom Magic
Mushroom Magic is offline
Old 12-03-2014, 07:12 PM

Levi's day had been a bit of a mess and he felt angry and irritable. He'd almost been caught today and had to rush, making his handy work sloppy. He hated to think this murder would be connected to the rest of them and instead of seeing the artistic beauty in it, people would only see a common criminal's work. He shuffled along the street, kicking at a stone and heard the same gorgeous violin music from the night before. He stopped and headed towards the sound to see Vladimir with his case set up, playing for money. He tossed a few dollars in the case and sat down on the hard concrete, listening quietly. He wondered if he'd been noticed by the musician, or if the man was so caught up in his music that he didn't see the world around him.