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Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 03:15 PM

Kira's mouth watered as she saw Adon set the bowls of spaghetti on the table. She loved spaghetti. Her mom made it every year on her birthday. She felt slightly sad thinking that she wouldn't be able to have it this year. Heck, she wouldn't be able to eat her mother's food at all while at school. She drifted off into a daydream, thinking about her family and the things they used to do together.
Her mother's cooking always resulted in an aroma that drew everyone to the kitchen. Sometimes, if he felt really bold, her dad would sneak into the kitchen and steal some food when his wife wasn't looking. Whenever Astra and Damian came to visit, the three cousins would jam on their respective instruments all day long until someone told them to stop being in the house so much and go out for a change. On such days, Kira's father tried his hand at cooking. Those ended up about as successful as Kira's attempts to cook. In the end, Kira's mother always had to step in to rescue the meal. Those meals, although spoiled, were always delicious because of her mother's rescue.
Kira snapped out of her daydream and realized that she hadn't touched her food. She tried her spaghetti. She was impressed by how Adon had made something this good in so little time. How did he do it?
"So, tell me more about your band. How many members does it have? And can I listen to some of your previous songs?" she asked him eagerly. She wanted to hear some of the band's work.