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Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurker
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 12-17-2014, 09:19 PM

This is my character thread that I will hopefully use often.

---------- Post added 12-17-2014 at 02:28 PM ----------

★ ☆ ★ First Class Private POLARIS ★ ☆ ★

"I feel so caught up in a bud
I flow some round in my bedroom turn around see myself in the mirror
I guess I'm cool and those happy thoughts in my head I'm feeling like I'm Peter Pan minus the tights and the fairies
Happy to see how far I've come to the same place it began my dreams and imagination.
Perfectly at peace so I move along a bit higher"

陳潔虎* or Chen Jie Hu │ full name │
august 4th; 17 │ birthday and age │
female │ gender │
bisexual with a preference for men │ sexual preference │
five feet and eight inches; lean │ height and build │
white hair; brown eyes │ hair and eyes │
back tattoo │ unique features │

appearance ╱ If it weren't for Polaris's genetics one might wonder how this white haired, only exercises enough to meet program standard woman would have turned out. Standing at five feet and eight inches, she is unusually tall for being a Chen and uses it to her advantage whenever she can. It helps her look thinner, better in clothes, and even intimidates guys...even if it's at the cost of some of her more feminine traits. Perhaps it's a curse of the Chens or perhaps it's karma for something she did in her past life but she isn't curvaceous in any form. Aside from a boxy frame her breasts are fairly small for a woman of her height and the fact that all of her fat disappears doesn't help matters either. If one asked her, she might say that her saving grace is her face, but she isn't entirely sure of that herself. With brown eyes (as she needed to break the cliche of white hair and blue eyes) and skin that runs from dry to average (depending on the day) people generally don't see her as the shining star that her family hoped her to be.

attire ╱ Well if not for her looks, at least Polaris has some semblance of pathy for her fashion. Long sweaters, dresses, and boots dominate her closet in the winter while crop tops, shorts, and Sunday dresses do so in the summer. One thing she will tell you (when she isn't daydreaming) is that she abhors pants in most situations because they remind her too much of being at the workplace and of training while dresses (to her) seem much more frivolous and versatile. They could be for clubbing, for a meeting, or even avoiding wearing pants. Most of the items she buys aren't very significant to her (due to her parents' riches), but she has held onto a ring that her childhood friend gave her as a kid. It's ugly, it's cheap, and it's always on the verge of breaking but she keeps it nonetheless.

personality ╱ When one first meets her she will be nice if not a bit fake in the way that she speaks to you. This isn't to say that she is disingenuous but that she has a hard time feigning interest when people are frankly...not that interesting. It makes her come off very rude and perhaps she means to be but she is working to get that under control. Sure, she will exchange platitudes with you but it's hard for her to sustain a conversation for long periods of time (even if it ends up being about herself).

Polaris is a romantic at heart, but a lazy tactician in mind so if someone wants to pique her interest they need to appeal to her sense of romanticism (meaning more than just love stories, but stories of the untamed and wild). Growing up on tales of her family's tall tales, she often dreams about being the "star" of the show, someone who can bring her family the same amount of fame that her predecessors did before her. However, her actions speak differently.

She doesn't pour much effort into learning things beyond their necessity since her interest in objects only lies in their novelty or usefulness. Learning comes very naturally which means that the concept of "hard work" was foreign to her for a very long time. Her modus operandi when she was younger was always practicing about an hour a day before spending the rest of her time in senseless debauchery or napping because being a sloth is great (hell even during training sessions, people complain about her head being in the clouds).

Nowadays her desires are more clearly defined, which is to say, that she will be more receptive to helping others if it means making herself look more heroic. It's easy for someone like her given her strategic line of thinking (helped in part by her flights of fantasy) and selfish tendencies to forgo helping "out of the goodness" of her heart, but at the same time she shows moments of empathy when people are able to touch the romantic side of her heart. She lives a bit vicariously through those with romantic relationships (since she doesn't have the heart for one herself) and doles out okay-to-horrid advice not only because she's a drama fiend, but because there are chances that she can use them.

history ╱ Polaris was supposed to be the guiding light. The tale of her birth goes that she was the first born between two families of nobility, old money as it were, under the North Star at midnight of August 17th, hence the designation of "Polaris." From a young age she was taught that she would be the one to uphold the Chen ( 諶) legacy of business while her two other siblings would dominate the political and military worlds. She was to be threatening but charismatic, commanding but trustworthy, and effortless but hardworking.

Well, she got the effortless part down.

Anything she learned she excelled at including sports, academics, men...sometimes women. She had great potential to take over her father's business but no interest in anything that wasn't "fun" or "interesting" to her. Essentially, she would only learn things for the novelty. Even the parties where the older children would traditionally drink were a bore for her. Still, she continued on the encouragement of her childhood friend, Jun. He was a boy aspiring to join the Stargazer Patrol and unlike Polaris needed to work hard in order to gain skill for anything. He worked and worked, and constantly pestered Polaris for help to the point where she slapped him silly.

And yet a small part of her enjoyed his presence. He didn't judge her lack of grace whenever she stumbled in a long dress or accidentally entered a shouting match in front of guests. He made her feel like a normal, abnormally born girl. Fuck he made her feel feelings that she weren't sure were possible after she was betrothed at the age of twelve. (He was also like three years older so maybe it was a bit creepy.)

When she turned fifteen, all of her embarrassment came to head as she was essentially excommunicated from her family. After a little too much drinking at the winter formal and vomiting on the carpet (coincidentally after learning that Jun told her that he was joining the Patrol), she locked herself in her room and continued her descent into an alcohol-addled depression until her parents forced their way in and being the businessmen they were, forced her to sign a contract. She would renounce her status as an heir and publicly apologize for her actions in exchange for staying within the family.

Well she didn't. Instead she changed her name, joined the Stargazer Patrol at the age of sixteen and placed in the weapon class, perhaps to one day find Jun again.

weapon │ class │
private │ rank │
toggled harpoon │ primary weapon │
bolas │ secondary weapon │
hook, line, sinker:in the few times she can be assed to get to work she will snare someone before reeling them in for the kill, melee style │ trademark attack│

★ ☆ ★ Strengths ★ ☆ ★
power; if this were an RPG, she would better be called a "bruiser" because she can hit as much (if not more) as she can take. One catch by the harpoon and you're probably dead.
skill; she has a short learning curve and catches onto new skills very quickly. You have to if you use a harpoon of all things
tactical; she doesn't move without giving it a thought or two and she thinks fast
perception; she might not look like it, but she is an observant woman. Then again you would too if you had to evade a Tiger Mom all your life.

★ ☆ ★ Weaknesses ★ ☆ ★
reputation; she is known as the "black sheep" of her family and as the "failed successor" by all other blue bloods
charisma; due to her lack of concentration in etiquette class, she comes off as very detached and apathetic
magic; of all the things she's attempted to learn over the years, magic hasn't been one of them

up, up & away | theme song
ode to sleep │ theme song |
warriors │ theme song
pick me a part | theme song

*Her name is a pun born from the fact that her Chinese isn't all that great. It translates to Pure tiger, but it also sounds like pure bitterness, signifying a hard/bitter life.

If you draw me an OC I'll love you forever <3 OC Requests!

Last edited by Cows Go Moo; 01-01-2015 at 03:20 AM.. Reason: I lost everything and now it's being retyped