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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-19-2014, 05:48 AM

It's what we've been waiting for, folks. You've made your way home, withstood a raging sea of holiday shoppers and, most harrowing, dealt with your family. But the big day is finally here. And we begin the festivities with... presents! Who drew your name and what did they give you?

Open it quick, we all want to see!


C +10 Points
You never worry about what your mom will give you. Because you know that whatever it is, it will be given with nothing but love. And that’s worth more than anything in the world.

E +9 Points
Presents given with love are the best in the world, but there’s something to be said for pricey and flashy too. Your sister Melinda enjoys giving expensive gifts, just to show she can. The gold watch may not have much sentiment behind it, but hell, it is a gold watch.

G +8 Points
In the same way Grandma Emily fusses over how much you’ve spent, she worries about how much you have. She’s totally convinced that you’re a hair width away from living on the street. She pulls you aside and puts a wad of cash in your hand. “Just don’t tell your granddad.” She says. It takes away the joy of opening a present, but a stack of bills ain’t so bad.

F +7 Points
Now your dad’s gifts aren’t the most flashy or exciting or fun, but they are practical. He has never given anything you didn’t find useful at a later time. So the portable generator sits in your closet for a while, but you’re thankful to have it some months on when a major storm knocks the power out for three straight days.

B +6 Points
Uncle Lewis, being a man of the world, likes to spin tales of his travels and loves to share the unique items he’s found. His gifts aren’t very practical, but they’re always cool. Who else is goin’ home with an Indonesian statue of Garuda?

A +5 Points
If there’s one thing to be said for Chad’s gifts, they’re definitely unusual. This can be either good or bad. You’re not sure how to react to the dancing cat speaker at first, but the little guy eventually grows on you.

D +4 Points
As can happen with some older folk, Grandpa Frank has trouble keeping up with the times. In this case, he judges value by how much things cost thirty years ago. As you open the pack of handkerchiefs with the days of the week embroidered on them, he proudly announces that he spent five whole dollars on your gift. Lucky you.

I +3 Points
Aunt Dale loves all things cute and sweet. Too bad her gifts tend to skew in the same direction. Opening your present, you’re greeted by a small ceramic figurine. Charming to some, disappointing to you. “Isn’t he adorable?! He said he wanted to go home with you.” Aunt Dale chirps. You force a laugh and smile.

J +2 Points
Easy as it is to shop for your brother Tommy, it’s not easy pretending to like his presents. As a man who’s comfortable forever living like a college freshman, he has no real gage when it comes to quality. He explains the old sandwich maker he’s given you was in his apartment when he moved in. It’s broken, but he thinks you can get it working again.

H +1 Point
They say it’s the thought that counts. Well little Tabitha doesn’t have to think much, as she assumes everyone will like what she likes. You try to smile as you unwrap the Barbie doll, lest you trigger one of her tantrums. Tabitha grabs the package, rips it open and demands you play with her. Unwillingly you do so, and reassess your plans to someday have children.


Chexala - x
Dystopia - x
Hadsvich - x
liquidrage - x
Roachi - x
Silver Storm - x
sjacklene - x
Velvet - x
Whisper Invictus - x

Elirona - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Linnea - x
Saravi Boo - x

blueblackrose - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

Emma Corrin - x
Esmme - x
fireprincess - x
hummy - x
KatMagenta - x
wish - x

Cherry Who? - x
DivineHeart - x
Liztress - x
Mnemosyne - x
sadrain - x
spicedroses - x
sushi_mew - x
zigbigadorlube - x

Jeannesha - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Nema - x
Rochiel Silverfire - x
Shadami - x
Woofie267 - x

CrimsonShadow - x
GwenaHikari - x
Kent - x
shnigamikarasu - x
Xogizmoox - x

DariaMorgendorfer - x
dragoness129 - x
HamletSpamlet - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Maha-Aamir - x
star2000shadow - x

Cardinal Biggles - x
lunauova - x
Nephila - x
woohoohelloppl - x

Angel Spirit Girl - x
Divacita - x
musasgal - x
pollik17 - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 12-30-2014 at 04:28 AM..