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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2014, 01:52 PM

Van rolled his eyes tiring of the woman. He could care less at this point. He walked taking the bracelet with him as he followed her to the medical wing. He shook his head seeing all the poor souls. He paused as he turned feeling the quake. He held out his hand using his mental abilities to protect the people making sure that nothing fell on them or that they fell off their beds. He stopped using his power once he knew everything was safe. He looked to the guards yelling at them. "GO!!! It's them. You two here protect these people. " He yelled as he looked around making sure none of the men had made it into the building. He glared as he saw a black clothed figure appear ready to kill two of the innocent wear wolves. Van leaped into the air as he appeared in front of the man grabbing the man by his throat. He growled loudly out of rage as he drew his fangs slamming them into the mans mouth as the man screamed in pain and fear. Van pulled back as he ripped the mans throat throwing the man against the wall as he man died a painful death. He whipped his mouth removing the blood as he looked to the two wolves." Don't stand here get inside with the others." He said looking around making sure there was no other joining them.

Alee followed as she kept quiet. She was happy he didn't pull her out in the rain and she didn't have to show her true form. She looked around as everyone greeted Julian. She couldn't help but smiled as she looked around at how happy everyone was it was infectious. She couldn't help but smile thought it faded as she heard Julian speak. She just sat there for a moment as she thought on what he said. " I'm not sure honestly why we are here. The lady and Lord said to teach Van a lesson. Please don't believe his exterior he is a nice one. However his father has mad him the way he is. I don't know what we are suppose to do other than try and fix everything and build a relationship and make this area profitable. I'm sorry for you and your people. I'm sure you where happy without us appearing. It wasn't our idea if it makes it any better. We where escorted here against our will. Van has no interest in being here. I'm not sure where to start to even help people. I mean other than medical care and helping to rebuild their houses. Van thinks farming and keeps saying I should look at it. However this isn't a place for farming. Would be better to look to the ocean since it's so close to you. " She said as she stopped rambling and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sent of the stew. She slowly open her eyes as she looked up at Julian. "It's alright you don't know me and to your people and you we are the enemy. I've been on both ends many times. However I don't sleep around with men. The Lord and Lady raised me better than that. I hope it wont come to blood shed. I am good at my job however I don't like killing innocents. Though in this line of work I don't always get a choice." She said as she picked the spoon up slowly playing in the stew with it.

She stared at it as the stew started boiling in the bowl as she sat there thinking on everything. She snapped out of her thoughts as she smelt the food and heard the boiling. She gently let go of the spoon leaving it in the bowl as the boiling started to slow down. " Sorry I forgot and let my mind drift. " She said as she waited for the spoon to cool down. She picked the spoon back up after it had cooled down and took a bite of the food. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the stew. She smiled as she open her eyes taking another bite. "This is some of the best food I have had in a long time. " She said as she thought about Alice. "I think your sister will be perfect for the job. She will stand up to him and teach him to think of others. She has spunk and a good head on her shoulder." She paused as she placed the spoon down standing as she held out her hand fire surrounding her hand. "Be quiet and get down." She said in a commanding voice. She closed her eyes as she shifted into her true form. She held her fans in her hands as she glared at the wall. " Come to play little brother fine lets play."

Alee bolted out the front door as the earth shook. A thin man clothed in black appeared from the crater he had made with his body the man just grinned as he laughed seeing Alee. " Ah little Phoenix. Mommy and Daddy sent you to guard the little brat. I should have known. " The man said as he laughed insainly more men clothed in black appearing. " You can't defeat all of us and protect the people. Poor fire spirit it's raining you have now power." The man said. He jumped in air the others following ready to attack. Alee glared at them as she leaped in the air. She moved threw each one landing on the ground slowly standing as the men laughed. However their laughs faded as their dead bodies hit the ground. Steam was coming off of her as she looked at their dead bodies. " I don't need my fire power to kill idiots like you Azire rats. " She walked to where the man was he was the only one left alive. " You dare to threaten the people under his protection? Let's send a message back to your boss shall we." She said as she placed her fan in her other hand placing her hand down on his face as the man screamed. Steam came from his face as well as the smell of burning flesh. She released him as the man screamed in pain. She rolled her eyes hearing him. " You bet start walking I give you to the count of 10. My message will get to your master dead or alive. Your choice little rat. Oh and here have a present. " She said as she slapped a bracelet on the man making him scream even more. "Your boss forgot about me didn't he. You should know I'm the only one and the only thing that can remove this. Have fun getting back with no power. Just a poor man. " She said as the man screamed trying to get to his feet. He stumbled away as she turned steams still coming off her as she took shelter on the porch in front of the restaurant. She held her arms as wounds starting to appear from the rain. She looked as she saw the guards taking actions and mobilizing to protect the people. One of guards walked to where Alee stood as he bowed to her slowly placing his cape over her. She pointed to the bodies as the man bowed and gathered a group to get ride of the bodies of the men. Alee kept quiet as she heated the cape up enjoying the heat at she held it close to her.