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Old 12-26-2014, 12:49 PM

Androw Daveth Galeron

{ nicknames } Andy, Drow
{ gender } Male
{ age } Thirty-seven years old
{ sign } Leo; August 21st
{ height } 5-foot, 11-inches
{ race } Human of Earth

{ hair } Freshly dyed cyan hair (naturally grizzled raven)
{ eyes } Dulled gray
{ skin color } Pale peach skin; can't tan
{ brows } Slender and neatly groomed
{ lips } Taut and slim
{ jaw } Strong and square; slight feminine smoothness to it
{ nose } Without dumps or hooks; smooth and nicely rounded
{ hair style } Unkempt and shoulder length; fringe in the front

{ alignment } Chaotic Good/Neutral Good -- He's unorthodox and believes in freedom.

{ attire } Androw wears a suit wherever he goes, unless it's the weekend. On weekends he wears nice grayed jeans with white thighs and knees with his black combat boots. For a shirt, he'll wear a white shirt with a black vest. Atop his head, he'll sport his fedora or sunglasses. Weekends are his "monochrome" days. He only wears black, grays, or white. During the week, he allows himself to wear colors, usually dark colors. His suits are only gray or black in color, so his tie or shirt receive the splash of color. He tends to prefer deep blue, teal, and crimson, though he's been spotted in light purple and powder blue before. Silver sometimes makes an appearance. When wearing his suit, he wears his black dress shoes and a nice belt. He always wears a vest as, when it's hot, he'll take his suit coat off and run around in his oxford and vest. It should be noted that all his clothes are slim-fitting and very flattering on him. He would never wear something "ugly" or "sloppy." Why, even his night attire makes him look rather dashing (black robe with teal slippers)!

{ accessories } Dogtags. He never takes them off. A waterproof watch that's solar powered and comes with a compass/GPS and temperature option. A frayed friendship bracelet of dulled cyan and purple with the letters LJ in silver.

{ theme song } Nightcore - Still Worth Fighting For

{ personality }
On the outside, I'm strong. I'm unbearable. Flawless. Inwardly I'm nothing but a coward who hides behind his false face. The facade I've created has become more than just a lie I tell myself to sleep at night. It's my medication. My drug. It's who I need to become. If I don't, I fear I'll lose myself to the bottom of the bottle. I'm not sure I can handle one more battle scar....

Androw Daveth Galeron. That's my name. I've never changed that. It's the name she fell in love with. It's the name I keep as it's all I have left of her.

We were young, naive, stupid. We had it all. Everything. We were to rule the world and become something truly impressive. She saw something in me that no one else saw, just as I saw something in her. We were perfect for each other. She my sweet angel and I her devious devil. We were like white and black, yin and yang.

Her ghost taunts me still. I can still see her eyes as she slipped from my hand. It's a memory I'll never lose. It's one I'll never be able to lose for I'm the blame. I'm the one at fault. It's my burden to bear and my heart to torture.

Lilith Jefftron. Died at 21. Accidental.

It wasn't an accident. I was there. They, Sven Void and the Prophet, were there. We were having a picnic at the foot of a beautiful lake. Little did we know we were treading on their waters. That we were in the Void. We were wasted. Shitfaced beyond belief. I was going to purpose that night. She knew it. We were so giddy. So happy. So in love.

And then they came.

They ripped her body from my arms. I was nothing against them. Seventeen and stupid, I tried to fight them. I rushed forward but was caught by one of the goons. In seconds, they were stomping me, crushing me, breaking me. As they did that, Void laughed. He then called forth his Prophet and allowed her to...

The fear in Lilith's eyes was unbearable. Her pain. I felt it all. As she screamed, I screamed. As she bled, I bled. When they threw her body off the cliff's edge, they ripped away my humanity. My sanity. My heart.

I will never forget her eyes. Wide with terror yet full of such hope. She willed her strength onto me and prayed that I would someone make it. That I would somehow live and escape.

I don't really remember what happened next for I fell limp and blacked out, but what I do remember was waking up to a man pressing down on my chest. I was soaked and the officer was overjoyed when I puked up liquid. I came back from wherever I went. Hell? No, it wasn't hell. It was darker and wet. I went to the abyss. The bottomless abyss in the sea. I was to die. I was to drown.

Somehow, as if Lilith's last act, the police found me. All the evidence was gone. Everything.

They said I was delusional. They said we were stupid. They said we tried to go rock climbing.

I know we didn't. I know she was... murdered.

No one believed me. They called me insane. A liar. Now, 20 years later, I'm still facing resistance. I'm still meeting dead ends.

I've no leads on Sven Void and his crew of Voids. But I swear, upon Lilith's unfound body, that I will get my vengeance. Somehow. Legal or not, he will pay. They all will. They ruined my happiness. They destroyed my future. They built me up to be someone I'm not.

I used to laugh. I used to be kind. Now I laugh in mockery. I'm conceited. I've built up a wall of isolation and void of emotion. I won't let people in. I can't. I don't want to lose anyone else. Never again.

After that incident, I joined the military at 18. I served for six-years. I hoped to die in action, but that never happened. I was too smart. They didn't want me on the field, but rather the infirmary. I was put through medical and clinical training. Upon leaving the military, at 24, I moved onto college. I studied to be a doctor. I worked as a doctor for six years. And then I lost interest. These past three years have been hard. I've done nothing but wander and search for Void. I've still found nothing on him and his gang. I'm hoping, soon, I'll run into a lead and I can go about getting my left back.

I really want to get back to living. Being an empty shell... it gets lonely after time.
{ powers }
I am merely a mortal man, I have no supernatural powers or possessions in my nature. Yet, even at this disadvantage, I am more than capable of defending and protecting myself. I've a brain unlike any other. I'm a certified genius and I have the membership badge to prove it. Aside from my brilliance, I am also one hell of a doctor. I only treat important, worldly figures. Let me correct myself, used to treat. Upon leaving the medical field and fulfilling my obsession, I haven't touch my tools or a body.

What else do I have in my arsenal? I've a silver-tongue. I'm a smooth talker. I'm more of a talk the talk to avoid walking the walk. I'm an manipulator, a real engineer of the mind. If I need something, I'll make it happen via words and gestures. Perks of having a degree in Psychology.

Believe it or not, I'm quite fast. I don't look like an athletic person but I am. Recall that I'm former military. I run 10 miles a day, three times a week. On my other four days, I swim or lift weights. I know that my body's health determines my health. The fitter I am, the smarter I can become.

I've a knack for cooking and sewing. With my knowledge of herbs, plants, and chemicals, I can really turn anything into something delicious. Since I've laced up bodies before, I'm also more than capable of sewing a sweater or mending ripped jeans. All the vests I wear, I made. Currently in the process of making a scarf for myself (one of those "hipster" scarves for "cool kids").

Heh, I'm also very good with animals. I know how to read them. Growing up on a farm my whole life, you grow accustomed to nature and all its fine creatures. I'm best with horses and cats, but dogs always seem to love me. Even birds enjoy my company. I actually have a pet lizard named Cat. When I was three, my parents bought me a lizard and I named him "Gato Two-Point Oh." Didn't know any better. Happened upon this guy a few weeks back and he looks just like Cat so I decided to bring Cat back. I call him Gato or Two, mood dependent.
{ weapons }
I'm afraid fighting isn't really my thing. No, don't assume such things. I am more than capable of murder. I have killed men point-blank and without remorse. As a hardened soldier, death does not bother me. I've come to terms with it and embrace it fully.

Although I don't usually carry a weapon with me, I am capable of using a wide array of guns; sniper rifles being my favorite. Before falling down the clinic route, I was slated to join the sniper brigade. I'm capable of calming my breath and controlling my nerves. If I really need to, I can force my heart to slow and steady my body. I can be what you call, dead, with one heartbeat per two minutes. Yes, I'm one hell of a shot, if needed.

I'm more than capable of using a candle stick, rope, or wrench to defend myself too. Not stuff I learned from the military, but things I picked up from being a doctor. Sometimes people get mad. Sometimes they go after you. You really have to be able to turn anything into a shield or a sword.
{ miscellaneous }
I should steer clear of alcohol. I am an addict. I spent a lot of time drinking my woes away to the point where I blacked out. The black outs became frequent because it was during those moments that I could see her face. This became a dangerous game. One day... I... I woke up in a hospital with tubes and monitors all around me. Someone found me blacked out and cold on the floor. They placed an emergency call. I had blood alcohol poisoning. Ever since that day, I've tried to distance myself from it. But boy it's tempting. It calls my name. I hear it whispering to me, begging me kiss my lips again.

Nastasiya Radelle

Hello there, kind viewer! Allow me to introduce myself and my path to where I am today. Let's start by getting who I am out of the way. Please note that not all the information provided is of my own accord and desire. Yes, the government has added some information to this profile as, well, I'm an agent of the galaxy so it's natural that they leave notes and information. I'll do my best to make it plainly obvious that you're reading my thoughts versus those of the government.

My name is Nastasiya Radelle. Odd name but it's the one I've come to know and love. But don't worry, I don't make you say the full thing out; Tasi [/U]works just fine! I'm twenty-eight years old and I'm a mechanic by choice. Yes, I'm a female engineer, deal with it! I'm damn good at what I do and I love every second of it. The grease, oil, tar -- whatever, it just adds to my beautiful complexion. No, seriously, it does. You'll see what I mean later when I get into my looks.

I'm what you call a Colctivus. No, I'm not human. I'm what you humans of earth call "aliens." Large eyes? Green skin? Three fingers? No, no, no. There are more aliens out there and we're not all that simple and, dare I say it, ugly. I like to think I'm a truly beautiful creature, one of great looks and luxury. I hail from a plant that is rich with nutrients and wealth. We're a planet that harvests the medicinal herbs that prolong life and cure ailments. Our harvests are all grown within tropical forests and greenhouses. We're a species that loves humid climates and warmth. The snow is wicked and cold, something I am not. I am soft like butter and rich like cream. I guarantee you've never seen a creature like me before.

So what is a Colctivus, or Colus for short? What makes us so "unique." Well, for starters, we're a humanoid species. We stand upright just like humans. We have normal human legs and feet. I can wear Levi jeans and I can wear Carhartt boots. I have the breast and chest of a human, too. Like I said, I look very similar to humans. So where do I differ? For starters, my skin. It's a different range of colors. Ever seen a tuxedo cat or an orca whale? They have two distinctive colors - a light underbelly and a dark top. Like those creatures, I too have a light underbelly (the sensitive spots on my skin - inside thighs down to the knees, inside of my arms down to my elbow, up to my jaw, and across my chest down to much crotch) and dark exterior (face, lower arms, lower legs, back, butt). Now the color depends on the exact subspecies. My colors are mauve and dark gray-blue. The color of my skin determines the color of my hair and eyes, too. Even my tongue matches my skin coloring! I have pale thistle eyes and lavender hair. And my tongue, it's twilight lavender.

As a part of my species culture, we're to receive Coming of Age tattoos on our bodies. These are silver in color, for women, and gold, for men. The silver tattoos are placed according to your rank, structure, and what the Great Farseer sees. If she sees happiness in your future, you receive certain symbols in shapes. If she foresees death and war, you get something else.

Me? I have a crescent moon on my forehead just above the brows and a star on my collar bone. These shapes indicate that I am a traveler, expected to see a great many things and become a source of knowledge and power for my people. My hands are completely dyed silver to indicate that I work with my hands. The marks are splattered and wavy, letting all know that I don't mind getting my hands dirty and that I am flexible, adaptable. Down my back are straight lines, two to be exact, that represent my structure and sound resolution. Around my thighs are more lines (horizontal rather than vertical this time). There are three lines on the left and one thick one on the right. These represent my firm support. I come from a wealthy, knowledgeable, loving family -- and my family grounds me and created my ground support.

What else have I to share? How about my height and sizes. I'm 5-foot, 8-inches tall on the slender yet built side of the scale. I have 34C cup-size, I'm a bit busty, and I have a kickin' ass. Love thongs and sports bras. I always wear either white or black, can't stand the colors -- unless it's bright green! I wear short shorts that come up past my navel (I like to make my legs look long); they're often white in color. As for a top, I wear a cropped shirt (either black or white) that hangs off my broad shoulders and exposes my abs. Don't worry, you can't see my breasts too much -- I do wear a sport's bra to keep the girls down! Also love to wear a scarf around my neck that hangs down around my back (that's silver in color). I accessorize too; large silver bangles around the wrists and three rings on my left hand. Ears are pierced too with cuffs on the left and danglies on the right!

{ weapons}
Weapons? I don't have weapons. I have tools. I'm a mechanic. I use wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers, saws, shovels... whatever I need to get a job done. I'm very good at turning anything into something. I'm a tinkerer, an inventor, and handywoman. I fix what's broken and if I can't fix it, I scarp and re-purpose it. I'm no idiot either. I can see the bigger picture, the future use of whatever I create.

On the off chance I do have to defend myself (oh Great Farseer I pray thee see anti-violence in my future), I would probably opt for my shovel or hatchet. I'm a sloppy, melee fighter. Though I could probably creature a heat-glove, taser, gun... anything, if I wanted.

Last edited by Xavirne; 01-06-2016 at 04:09 PM..