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HamletSpamlet is offline
Old 12-31-2014, 12:24 AM

Cherry - Yeah, I saw more of my family than I thought I would. We've been low on cash for awhile and stopped having huge gatherings, but this year my dad wanted to go see his parents so we dropped in on their party. It was nice though, everyone was glad to see us. My parents made me some homemade gifts, and my boyfriend bought me my favorite candy: Sour Straws. I bought home a buttton of tamales and desserts as well.

That was good of your boss to give you the day off. What are you going to do on future Christmases? Is your family going to come visit you? And you're welcome for the treat. :D

Howdy - That's a better roll than you have been getting, right? Maybe your luck is changing!