Thread: free busts!
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Mnemosyne is offline
Old 12-31-2014, 09:06 AM

How ruuuuuude. :]

what the what is chickensmoothie. I have not even heard of this. Will I regret looking it up or will I love you for it?

Harley Quinn is my boo. I named my puppy Harley Q cause of her haha. I've always adored her, but I don't know why. She kind of embodies everything I really should dislike as my professional/educational choices in life had lead me to essentially be on the path to counseling psychologist. The cape sounds fantastiiiic! Pig ears, rabbit ears, pft! As long as they're cute its all that matters. I love online shopping. Pretty excited though because my mother just got on board with my weird likes this year and actually got me a few clothing items I would buy myself.

It's okay. I did that for a while and just decided to stalk the people I liked afterwards. They still tolerate me so i assume you will be fine. You've also got the added bonus of drawing well so I think it'll be pretty easy for you to entice people into at least giving you a shot. This idea was brilliant for introductions. I am the same way with social commitments. I am in school right now (mine is online so it doesn't stop for winter breaks T-T) and its been so hard to keep up interest this event because of how many papers I am writing. Its obnooooxious.

Haha. My seal. It's that worth. Yeah, I was going to say I am fine with the whole furry thing, but the community scares me sometimes. ^^; I used to roleplay a lot with those friends so I had my own little characters, but I just never really got too invested in them. However, I do love me some virtual pet sites. I haven't been on one in quite a while, but I break down at least once a year and log into/create new accounts for neopets.

I got surgery on my knee. I guess I tore my meniscus up pretty badly and my ACL had a little tear in it. It's doing much better now, but it is difficult to get around easily without discomfort. I took myself off the pain meds pretty quick since they make me unable to function so its just kind of a constant "bleh".

I've only seen snow in this area once in all the like 20 something years I have lived here. I was actually super confused when I went outside to throw out trash earlier. I could have sworn I somehow transported myself back to living in Iowa or just dreamed about moving back to California.

Food is always something to look forward too! I love it! My relatives like to pester me about religion, but I tend to ignore it at this point. Other than that they pretty much leave me alone. I am sorry yours want to be so invasive ]:

ALSO, you don't have to answer if you don't want. I just noticed that your pronouns are for they/them. Do you identify Androgyne? Or do you just prefer not to reveal gender on the interwebs? This is simply a "my curiousity" thing so if it makes you uncomfortable do not answer I wont take offense :]

---------- Post added 12-31-2014 at 01:07 AM ----------

Originally Posted by zyne View Post
haha hey!! (: nice to meet you, kind of! (as in kind of meeting not kind of nice) (dang, words)

phhshhh dystopia P: would you want a gif of something? or umm... more specifically what would you want? 0:
and that's so spot on about the furries omfg. also the reason i dont like saying im a furry unless it's in a joking manner... there's some creepy stuff out there and when i say creepy i mean i have browsed the darkest depths of the internet and im still kind of scared of some furry stuff lmao
Dat darkest depths stuff is....D:

raper-van-creepy is the best description. Well, nicest.