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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-03-2015, 06:10 PM

Now that she was warm and nasty task of sewing Mannik up was done, her stomach reminded Adelmar of fact that she had eaten small meal many hours ago. But it didn't seem like there were enough roots for even one decent meal and they had to keep some for tomorrow? Well, he had said there would be no food so she guessed this was better than nothing. She opened the package and counted the roots. Uneven count. After hesitating for a moment, she divided them in two part, keeping the small pile that had one root more, and then handed the man the other without commentary. He could do what he wanted with it, eat it all now or save for later. She was going to few and leave the largest portion for tomorrow so she would have a bit more energy in case they had to run from something. Or rather, other people of Below.

Adelmar took out a bite out of one of the roots, savoring it as much as possible and chewing slowly. Perhaps that way the meal will be longer and she can cheat her stomach a little. At least her mother always told her brother that if you eat slower, you will feel full more soon and avoid overeating. In response to that, boy proceeded to stuff his face with sweets only. She suppressed a sigh at the thought of her family. When Mannik spoke, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, she tilted her head to the side, pondering what to answer. Her response formed up to be rather serious so she decided to address lighter part first. "When my--" she started, realizing it would be a too much of sneak peak into her life that wasn't as sunny as he thought, Adel started over, "sometimes. My favorites are ice cream and these little fruit cakes from my childhood."

Her mouth corners pulled up in smile as she remembered the elderly lady that lead her grandparent's kitchen. She was Taken as a child and grown up in Above and she could create most amazing things with fruits. The lady was also very nice to little Adel, sneaking her sweets when her grandma wasn't watching, muttering something about 'parents with no heart' and when Adelmar had drawn a picture of favorite thing, including the old, frail woman and her fruit cakes, she had hugged the girl so, so tight...

The smile faltered and she turned serious again. "I thought that everything is different Above and Below, especially the community. I guessed the way people had to live made them heavily rely and trust one another, a kind of one for all and all for one mentality. I see now that I was wrong and humans everywhere are out for their own interests and blood thirst first." She paused, deciding this was as good moment as any to tell about her 'gift'. "If the exchange happens and I have survived until then, make sure someone is taking a clear video of it. You can use my social pad for it, it will still be charged. It must include everything, from start to the moment doors close behind me so it's visible I am alive. If I don't reach Above alive, you have to air the video on various lines that I will give you codes for, so Above sees I was used as means to start War. Not everyone will support Hadar decision, it will cause rift and make war effort harder."

Her tone, talking about her possible death at the hand of her own people was completely calm, as if she was discussing weather while Adelmar's eyes were completely cold, detached even. It just was so and if Mannik would ask her why she would share something like this with them, she'd honestly tell him she'd hate her body and death be drawn in middle of intrigue and web lie, used to create even more bloodshed.

Hopefully, soon they could settle for a bit of sleep. At least she hoped she'd be able to sleep - her stomach had decided this was only teasing, not a meal, and it was really getting cold. She could only imagine how could the man must feel, without proper clothing, but she couldn't really think of way to make it more comfortable for him and wasn't about to go out of her way to take care of him more than she already had.