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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-05-2015, 03:28 PM

Of course, nothing good lasts long. At least not in her life. But she certainly hadn't expected that it'd be Mannik's voice to interrupt it, sounding strangely light and soft, despite what he was saying. She turned to look at him, Zenon's arms still around her waist. In fact they even tightened, the possessive trait working its way to the surface. Adel didn't have to look at his face to know he was feeling far too insulted for something coming from drugged Below's soldier. But that was Zen for you. She untangled herself from him and moved toward Mannik and although Zen reached out to catch her arm, she slipped by it.

Green eyed man was laughing now, she had never heard him laugh, and he laughed about lights on ship? God, how could he be so drugged, yet conscious? Adelmar knelt down and pushed one of the jacket sides away, immediately having her fingers stained red. The stitching she had so carefully made what feels like lifetime ago, hadn't lasted all the struggling and she was partially at fault for that. "He needs medical help," she said, looking up to her fiance who had dark expression. "We have our hands full right now because of him," Zenon growled. "If this bleeding isn't stopped, he might never reach surface. If you took him alive, you better make sure he stays that way, right?"

Mannik only stopped bashing the other man to ask if he could touch her hair. Slight flush crept in her cheeks, but luckily, it had to be hidden by dirt. Still, the comment certainly didn't help her attempt to help him and Zenon crossed his arms, suddenly looking every inch Hadar. In response, her backbone stiffened, but she didn't leave Mannik's side. If he wanted to, he could very well reach out and toy with her braid or even strands by her face. "He got this injury making sure others wouldn't find and kill me. Your father's speech, the unedited one you probably have not seen, made everyone hound in on me and if not for this man, all you would have found today would be my raped, dead body."

Her fiance stared at her hard for a bit, then suddenly laughed: "God, I am so glad they haven't broken you, my silly lady." And she knew, that the moment of passion was over. They had fallen into the old, 'big, yet little sister and careless brother' routine. For some reason, she felt relieved. It was familiar, she needed the familiar right now. And she knew how to get what she needed from him in this role. Zen accepted that she, as his 'sister', talked back or scolded him on occasion. "Please?" she said and he sighed. "Fine, fine. I have some questions I want to ask him so I suppose I need to make sure he lives until then."

He walked away, towards the medic, passing Adelmar with a pat on head, in that affectionate, but careless manner, as if she was a pet that had run away on some chase, but now was back where she belonged - by his leg. The woman turned so she could have a good look at Mannik and forced a polite smile. "You will be patched up better than I ever could," she told him, mostly hoping that if she spoke, he'd stay quiet for a bit, trying to process her words and not sputter more embarrassing nonsense.

Last edited by sadrain; 01-05-2015 at 03:36 PM..