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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-05-2015, 04:03 PM

She told herself she was too busy trying to save his life to swat his hand away when he touched her, besides it wasn't like he was rough with her. Still, Adel flushed only deeper when he mentioned wanting to touch her when she was sleeping and Zenon's eyes gained a dangerous gleam. No doubt he was wondering if the savage had touched his fiancee more in this time. Why couldn't Mannik just keep his mouth shut and not work against his chance of survival, even if she knew, maybe it was better to let him die now. But she couldn't let him bleed out here on the floor like some animal. She'd... She'd never forgive it herself.

The woman saw how muscle worked in Val's jaw when he heard - oh, he had definitely heard - Mannik's last question, but he had enough composure and pride to not turn around and punch the daylights out of nearly unconscious man. So, she sighed in relief softly. When he asked if she had known, Adel frowned. "You thought I didn't?" her voice gave away her surprise, but it was also croaky and she licked her dry, cracked lips although it didn't help any. When was the last time she had drank? Last night, when she ate, and not a lot, saving most of it for Mannik although he had refused it, just like the roots. How long did it take for people to die from dehydration? Three days? "It was obvious, after that man shot at me and you hid me away."

She felt fidgety and also a pang of guilt when Mannik called himself savage. If she was asked, she'd still call most of Below's people that way. Not by choice, but they were savages. Yet, she also knew that this savage beast also lived in most people of Above, hidden away by only thin masks. At his question about her motives, she visibly twitched, taken by surprise. For a moment, Adel stared at him, hard. "I will tell you, just because you probably won't remember any of this, it wasn't because of him, alright?" she spoke in quiet voice, knowing it was probably lost to the drugged man, but somehow it felt good to let it out.

When he mentioned humming, Adelmar saw light at the end of tunnel. If only he'd remain quiet, especially when the doctor would arrive. It seemed that there were complications with shot soldiers, though, so there may be few minutes until then. She noted that it was one of the fellow descenders, not professional doctor, so it really was as she had thought - fully improvised plan that Zenon had made up himself. "Then, if I hum, will you stay quiet?" she asked, extremely hopeful the answer would be yes.