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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-06-2015, 05:41 PM

"Why are you so intent on having me torture you? I have no interest in smearing my hands with your blood," the distaste was audible in his voice, "and my soldiers could be overenthusiastic, so I am dealing with you alone." Smirk tugged at his lips, Zenon's eyes darkening a shade. He was sure there were ways to break this haughty savage even without laying finger on him. Well, without doing it too often, at least. But perhaps it was better to lull him in false sense of security, to let him think that he wasn't capable of anything much. Hadar heir had learned early that when you're underestimated, you get a chance to strike at even more vital spots.

"I hardly believe that your Commander will be as uninterested as you paint her to be in getting you back," Zenon replied with quirked eyebrow, the way he said commander strongly implying that he knew - well, he thought that he knew - there was something more between the two people of Below, "so it will be worth the possible trouble." Despite his previous resolve to not hurt Mannik, his jaw clenched at the mention of 'his girl'. But after a moment, he blew air through nose like angered bull and seemingly vented the emotion out. With nearly artistic shrug, he brushed the comment off.

"Even if what is true, I suppose you could serve to generate some heat and, from what I heard, she seemed rather eager to get away from you, to the point she fought you fiercely. My sweet Adelmar, raising her hand against someone... It's hard to picture, really, but I guess it's understandable, being among savages makes you act like one to ensure your survival." At this, Zenon seemed to remember something and brought out his social pad. After short moment, he set it up in front of Mannik. Frozen face of Imhoff was on it, with large 'play' button in middle of it.

"This is the video that was aired here Above. I have my reasons it was seriously altered and I think, you saw what truly happened. I would ask my Adelmar, but I don't want to trouble her with bringing up this incident for such trivial matters. Remember, if you are honest, this could benefit all of your people. I personally am not interested in adding more kindling to this fire that is starting through the cities." Zenon tapped the button and leaned back in his seat.

He was right that the video contained very little truth. Imhoff was painted in sadistic, crazed rebel's colors while Hadar Senior was the noble leader, trying to talk with true savage that wanted nothing more than bloodshed. Few times, muscle in Zenon's jaw worked as he listened and observant person would guess he wasn't particularly close to his father.