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Ferra is offline
Old 01-08-2015, 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by fireprincess View Post
Wow! 2014 sounds like it was a pretty great year overall. I'm really sorry about your cousin though That must have been really hard.
I didn't know you lived in Japan! Your wedding sounds super fun, and really beautiful! I'd love to see some pictures!
So, living in Japan for so long, have you gotten used to the culture? Did it take you a while to get settled into things?
Thanks. I worry more about how my uncle is handling it since I didn't see him when I went back home for Christmas. It was too hard for him to be at the family party.

Yeah, I've lived in Japan for almost five years now. I really like it for the most part. In some ways I took to Japan right away, but other parts of the culture I'm still figuring out. For example, I love Japanese food and haven't had much trouble adapting to a new diet, but I don't think I'll ever really enjoy Japanese TV. Also, I don't think I'll ever become fluent in Japanese in the same way I am with English. I'm conversational, but I will always make mistakes and encounter stuff I don't know. It's not a bad thing, but it can be frustrating sometimes knowing you will forever be different from the rest of the people in your community.

How about you? How was your 2014?