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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 02-07-2015, 07:23 PM

She put her hand lightly in his, suddenly realizing this was their first skin-to-skin contact she had initiated in some way, aside from that kiss on cheek. Normally, she was not particularly shy about touching people, but aside from dancing, it was considered inappropriate with strangers. Not that Mannik was a stranger... And no matter how the girl tried to put him in box labelled 'friend', it didn't quite fit him either. Blush crept high into her cheeks as she looked up at him, Zenon's voice suddenly swimming up and saying something about how waltz had been considered inappropriate dance long, long ago for how close the two partners were, but Adelmar pushed the thought away. Zen was the last person she wanted to think about right now.

"I have been told I have light step, so hopefully no harm will come to your toes," young woman joked back, but in nearly distracted manner as she looked up at Mannik with slightly lowered lashes. It was just a dance, she had danced with so many, of higher and lower status than her, why did it feel so important and intimate now? Because it was just the two of them, maybe? In any case, her heart was beating fast in her chest as she nodded at his suggestion and he then swept her away in dance. One (he looked slightly flustered, too) - two (he held her more reverently than anyone had ever thought of doing) - three (she felt both happy and shy because of that). One (romance novels were getting to her head again) - two (but, really, what if...?) - three (would she be willing to have her life consist of wonderful one-nights like these?).

They only had a serious fumble when one waltz ended and another started with no break, when both of them couldn't get into right rhythm immediately, but aside from eliciting laugh from Adelmar, it brought no harm to either of their feet. As she had said, she had light and quickly adjusting step, avoiding small disasters even if he did a misstep or two. "Commander has taught you well," she told Mannik and mentally grimaced when her tone didn't come out as lighthearted as she had wanted to. Why her professional acting never worked around him as intended, Adel didn't know. It just didn't. Still, she wasn't jealous that Commander had got the chance to teach the man how to dance, it wasn't like she had thought she would tonight... Really, she hadn't.

When next waltz ended and music quieted, she didn't move away from Mannik right away, just enjoying that safe feeling he always gave her, especially when touching her. He was much stronger than her, that young woman knew, but still always so gentle with her that it always surprised her. Looking up at him, her gaze lingered on his lips (what if, just once?) for split second, before moving to his green eyes. "It was lovely, thank you," Adel finally spoke up. "Perhaps you would like some snacks now?"