Thread: Mystery Daze
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Old 02-09-2015, 01:20 AM

"Well, I'm not like most fae. I can't cast a glamor to save my tufty ears, I mostly rely on a kind of dazzle camouflage to trick people into not noticing me but noticing my outfit instead. It usually works. I think I should get a louder jacket, I really liked this one though." He rubbed his thumbs on the lapel lining. He didn't want to look at her, not with that revelation. He knew the power those with the Sight had, and he knew their value among his people. He really didn't want to think about it. At least not then.

"You can call that number for anything else if you need the help. It goes to my desk, and if I'm not there, forwarded to my personal phone. Don't let anyone know I was here, or what I was asking about. You know the risks, you wear them." Picking up the chest he moved past her back towards the register. He needed to get out of the shop and back to the offices. He needed to get this information down somewhere other than in his head. It was getting too full as it was.