Thread: Threat Level
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 02-09-2015, 04:05 AM

For once, Vlad was obedient. As he neared the others his teal-glowing eyes locked on Ashes as the male spoke. Instead of fighting the orders he was given, he merely nodded. He detested authority figures and the agency ... but he was a creature of survival. Their chances were very limited. Any chance at survival was worth taking.

He'd hold the back line until the others were in the clear. He flashed his fangs briefly before turning his attention to doing what his original purpose had been when he was accepted into the team: to take all incoming blows as the others retreated.

As mentioned in his profile, Vlad could take blows that would kill others. His Purium pulsed threateningly, and the Breaker let his aggressive nature turn to something ... more defensive. He snarled and kept the nearest team members from harm as everyone began to pull back. Perhaps they would survive. Perhaps.

He pulled Artemis with him, keeping her in front of him as he shielded her from any stray bullets or strikes. As they retreated, his glowing eyes flickered to the collapsed building where Berserker had fallen. A strange flicker of regret moved through him as they left the battlefield without the other criminal. It would have been comforting to at least have proof of his death - some token of the boy's last fight.

Vlad snagged someone's arm and pulled them to their feet. With a snort of disdain, he pushed his team members toward their destination. "Move or die," he hissed to Sai in passing. The agent was already moving, somehow navigating the field flawlessly. He remained with Vlad, covering their companions as they retreated. This was ... chaotic, to say the least.

"Do we have everyone?"
Sai's voice flickered through their communicators, and the silver-haired youth "scanned" the battlefield with his covered gaze. From what he could tell, all colored auras were safely on their way to their destination.