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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-11-2015, 04:07 AM

Valentine's Day is finally here. You've made yourself all spiffy, neatly coiffed and smartly dressed. Now you anxiously await for your mystery man to arrive.

Oh, there's the doorbell! Let's see what Sophie set you up with.

Day One-A StoryX

B +10 Points
Good Guy Gary is everything you could ask for. He may not be the perfect man (Who is?), but he just might be perfect for you. Gary is a well rounded individual. He’s funny, smart and loving, loyal and responsible. Someone like him doesn’t come along everyday.

G +9 Points
If a total and complete emotional connection is what you’re looking for, Sensitive Seth may be the guy for you. He’s a good listener and understands where you’re coming from. He’s the type of fella who will romance you with flowers and poetry, almost to the point where it might get a bit mushy.

E +8 Points
If it’s an old school manly man you desire, Rugged Rick might fit the bill. An avid outdoorsman who’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, you can just imagine those strong hands getting dirty with you. Loyalty, responsibility and reliability are his strongest virtues. He may fumble a bit when it comes to your emotional needs, though.

I +7 Points
Rocker Randy may look like a bad boy, but he’s really all heart. He’s also the wild, impulsive and crazy type of guy that part of you craves. Everything happens organically with Randy and he’s not afraid to grab life by the cojones. He’s unfortunately not the most responsible guy, but he’s always fun.
(You've also won: )

J +6 Points
If brains is what turns you on, my friend, Intelligent Isaac may well be your cup of tea. Cultured, well-read and an excellent conversationalist, he’s got all the degrees to make you magna cum laude. Unfortunately, Isaac isn't the most demonstrative chap and has the tendency to talk over your head, with topics such as Kierkegaard and astrophysics being completely lost on you.

F +5 Points
Devotion is what you can expect from someone like Nerdy Nathan. Now it may seem like that his fan boy obsessions get in the way, but he’s always sure to treat you like his one and only. He’s goofy and silly and awkward in a loveable way. Nathan’s not the toughest sort, though, and tends to be socially lacking.

A +4 Points
Look up “Player” in the dictionary and you’re likely to find a picture of Casanova Carl. Charm and sophistication are his stock and trade. He’ll make you feel like the most important person in the world. But regrettably, at any given time, Carl makes at least six people feel the same way. He can promise you romance, just not fidelity.

H +3 Points
If you’re lookin’ for some eye candy, satiate your sweet tooth with Handsome Hugh. He’s a model possessed of great male beauty… and not much else. Appearance is very important to Hugh, so he’s spends a lot of time grooming and combing and manscaping. Vapid, vain and a bit dim, but at least he’s nice to look at.
(You've also won: )

C +2 Points
A man of mystery can be intriguing, but Creepy Craig takes it to a whole other level. He’s the quiet type, choosing to let his unflinching gaze do the talking. Craig lives alone, in the woods, where he does god knows what. If you’re lucky, he may invite you over some day. And if you’re even luckier, he’ll let you out.

D +1 Point
This is Old Otto. Old Otto is old. He can’t wait to meet you. But speak up, he’s hard of hearing.

Here are some facts about Old Otto.
Old Otto is so old, his birth certificate is expired.
Old Otto is so old, he went to high school with god.
Old Otto is so old, he walked into an antique shop and they kept him.
… And so on.

Day One-A EntriesX

BellyButton -
CK -
Damia Flagg -
Elirona -
fireprincess -
hummy -
Liquid Diamond -
Maha-Aamir -
PrincessKasumi -
Xogizmoox -
zigbigadorlube -

DivineHeart -
Iroase Delschatten -

Babyblueyez25 -
blueblackrose -
fairywaif -
Lance -
Liztress -
Mnemosyne -
Woodlandnymph -

Chexala -
DariaMorgendorfer -
Kent -
LaVida -

CrimsonShadow -
Emilio -
Him_Rock -
Ivvy -
Mimmu -
Nema -
sadrain -
Wyrmskyld -

Cora -
Dystopia -
For-Chan Cookie -
Kamikaze Kendra -
Lavina -
Maria-Minamino -
shinigamikarasu -
sjacklene -
Vanora -
woohoohelloppl -

girlbot9 -
GummyBearKisses -
KatMagenta -
Knerd -
Nola -

Cardinal Biggles -
dragoness129 -
Linnea -
star2000shadow -

Ascadellia -
Hadsvich -
Mythos -
zyne -

Divacita -
EirianHikari -
GwenaHikari -
Jeannesha -
Nephila -
salvete -
Shadami -

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 02-15-2015 at 08:51 PM..