Thread: Mystery Daze
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Old 02-13-2015, 04:14 AM

"We can, but to make it more believable I need to know your name." If it was her idea he could go along with it. It would give them reason to meet up again if he needed it. And depending on what she found, they might.

Placing his hand over the paper he slid it further across the table. He was ready to uncrumple the paper, when the barista came over with his drink. "Can I get you anything else, JD? Anything for your lady friend?"

"Yeah, actually. You can bring her the same thing as me minus the additions. Oh and a plate of fries. Thanks buddy." He smiled as the barista nodded and walked off. He leaned across the table, "Notice anything about this place? About our waiter? Trust me, you're safe here."