Thread: Mystery Daze
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-14-2015, 01:34 AM

Runes? She squinted. Glowing figures appeared by the doors, writing she had always done her very best to ignore. She didn't understand a thing of it, but could probably copy the elegant swirls, the vine-like designs, all of that in a moment's notice. All the faun needed to do was ask.

Valentina tilted her head. "I can see things around the doors, the windows too." She leaned forward, strawberry blonde hair drifting over her shoulder; reaching out , Valentina brushed the tips of her fingers against his. She really didn't know how to act on a date, even a pretend one. Her other hand wrapped around the cup of hot stuff, steaming so much it would have fogged up glasses if she'd had any.

"So, how did you get into your line of work?"