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Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-17-2015, 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ View Post
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Live version...just as awesome if not grainy and unfocused video...worth the watch!
Diva's Lament from Spamalot, Sarah Ramirez

She rampaged about the stage. "How dare they give me such a fleeting role?! This theater would be NOTHING without my talent and charisma. The spotlight is mine and mine alone!!! *$&#@&!!!!! &@*####!!!"

The stage manager and the theater's janitor looked on, shocked as the diva Amelia LaGuna spun on her heels back and forth upon the stage after the first rehearsal...She must have though she was alone, and so decided to let off a little steam. The stage manager whistled, and shook her head while all the janitor could do was look on with horror. He'd never heard a well bred lady say those kinda words before.