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Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by Midian View Post
Chikyu: Oh oh omg it's open!!! I just woke up so forgive me if I get this wrong!

Flower: Roses

References (optional but appreciated): but NO muscles, and his tail should be bigger and fluffier!
Background (optional): I have no idea haha!
Description: Micha (who is a rough collie, aka lassie dog) Is steampunk so can you put him in a steampunk outfit please? Top hat is a must! :p Doing anything in any pose, idk I have no imagination!
Style: Any style you please, go with the flow.
Midian: Lol, no worries, people ping me but i don't always respond ASAP, we are all human! XD
Steampunk?? I love steampunk! can't wait to do this one!
As for background it would be extra depending how complex you'd like it, and i know you said idk but do you want one? XD