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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 02-28-2015, 09:06 AM

Snow stared at Bradley as she felt truly sad for scaring the young girl. She slowly walked to where Kline was. She slowly lowered herself to the ground as she kept her distance. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. Please forgive me. I promise I will never touch you again without your permission." She said softly as she gave Bradley a soft smile. She looked to Kline as her smile faded. "I'm sorry for upsetting her. " She said as she looked to Bradley. A slight smile appeared on her lips as she took one of the two blue bracelets from her wrist. She gently tossed it in front of Bradley. "Please this is for you. In my land we have fox spirits that we call Kitsune. They are very old and special each one is unique like the snowflakes I tried to show you. The good thing about Kitsune is they are very fond of children. That bracelet if you touch it will summon a Kitsune. The good thing about them is you don't have to talk to them for them to love you. They will stay with you protect you and love you even if you can't talk or don't feel like it. I have my own Kitsune he has been with me since birth. He loves children and he loves the snow as all Kitsune do. Kitsune are known in my land to help lost travelers besides children. They are quit different that most creators. They are made of purse magic and tent to shy away from enhanced items. However they are very loyal and kind. Think of them like a larger hairy Kline. They will protect you with their last breath and are very playful with you. " She said as she looked at Bradley. "Now don't be scared." she sad as a large mass of snow started to form behind her. Two blue glowing orbs appeared in the mass as the snow exploded a large blue and white fox appearing behind Snow. The large Fox looked more like a hybrid of a large wolf and fox. It ten times Snow's size as eyes glowed a soft blue. The fox had the same color blue markings along it's body separating it form the other Kitsune. The fox open it's eight large tales in a impressive display as it seemed to nuzzle Snow lovingly. Snow could only laugh as she softly petted the soft fur of her beloved friend. The fox slowly open it's eyes at it looked to her full of concern. She looked up at the large fox as she smiled still petting it lovingly. " This is Fang he is one of my best friends. He has been working with the others to try and protect our land. I'm sorry for worrying you Fang. I know you don't like leaving our land that is why I didn't summon you. Your right as always I should have had you at my side." She softly as the fox seemed to nod in agreement as its eyes shifted to Bradley. The fox seem to smile as it looked at the girl like a puppy. The fox lowered it's self as he wagged it's tales softly swaying them from side to side keeping it's place beside Snow. The fox made soft playful sounds as it looked at Bradley.

"This is Kline and Bradley Fang they are friends as you have gathered. " She said as she laughed watching the large fox. She smiled as she looked to Bradley. " If you would like you can pet him. I would be happy to share him with you. If his large size scares you he can shrink down to the size of a normal fox. " She said as she looked to Fang the fox understanding as it quickly shrunk down in size. " He loves to be by your side and he is a big softy don't let him fool you. I'm sure if you want you could summon your own fox. However if you are scared Fang will be here. He doesn't like to be alone so it might be best for you to walk with him. He has issues with being alone. " She said as she hopped Bradley wouldn't be scared by the fox. She could only smile as the fox tried to look as cute as he possible could for the young girl. " If you get tired you can ride on his back. " She said as she sat on the ground before Bradley still. She looked up to Kline as her smile faded quickly her face. She said nothing as she looked back to Fang remembering his words. Her carefree mood quickly changed thinking of what he had said.
She smiled as she watched Fang and looked to Bradley before she stood and walked over to where Frost stood. She dusted off her knees as she left fang where he rested in the snow. She had always loved how smart the foxes where. The fox didn't move he just laid there as he waited for Bradley to come to him if she wanted to. If not he would follow Snow and keep close to her.

Frost kept quiet as he watched Snow. He arched a brow as he watched the demon fox appear. He wondered where the stupid thing had been this entire thing. It had never really lessen before. He had a strange feeling that the fox had been following them the whole time. Most couldn't appear so fast unless they had been near by. He arched a brow as he watched the fox. He knew better than to get near the fox. While it was cute and cuddly now the fox's had a darker side. They where not something to mess with or anger. The Kitsune where magical beings and chose only one as their human. They would protect that human with their last breath. Though Kitsune even if they had a master would still come to the aid of a child in need. For some reason Kitsune had a bond with children that is unlike anything he had ever seen. Even if it's just to ensure a child isn't alone they appear and stay for as long as the child needs them. However Kitsune had a hatred for enchanted items like his sword and gantlet. His gantlet seemed to be the main source of their discontent. He didn't understand but he had a feeling it was the crystals in them. Kitsune seemed to slightly fear the crystals. However if he or Kline approached Fang without Snow or Bradley the Fox would show it's true power. He knew that the fox would disarm them before they knew what happen and would be ready to rip them to shreds. He looked to Kline as he spoke very slow not wanting to anger the fox.

" Keep your weapon hidden or you and I will really have a bad day." He said as he kept eying the fox trying to show that the fox wouldn't like seeing their weapons. He made sure he didn't touch snow or move anywhere near Bradley. He moved his hand as he felt the glowing eyes land on him. He looked up as the fox stared intensely on his gantlet. It's eyes locked on the ruby crystal as the fox slowly rose turning and facing him as it was easy to see it didn't like the crystal one bit. The fox's markings slowly glowed as the hair on the back of it's neck started to rise. Frost slowly moved his hand around his back as he stepped back and slowly bowed. The fox slowly calmed as it looked at to Bradley before looking back to him making sure he hadn't moved. The fox finally turned fully and let Frost stand again. He let out a breath as he looked to Snow. He saw her just watch as the fox looked happy to just be near Bradley. The fox ignored Kline for now. It tried to look cute again as he softly barked at her or tried to in a playful tone. It just laid there as it's tales swayed playfully in the air wanting to play.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 02-28-2015 at 10:40 AM..