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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-04-2015, 03:08 AM

"I don't know." The moment he said the words, Patrin regretted it. Now he would need to explain. "I have magic of a sort. It pulls me into the wild, and the destination will only be clear when we arrive." Should he say more? "I believe it as something to do with unicorns. Their energy is very distinctive I hear, and this ... I have never felt anything like it." Not quite the truth, but close enough.

The further they went from civilization, the more at ease Patrin felt. He wanted to run, but couldn't. The guard would be able to tell something was wrong. Already, Patrin suspected he had aroused some suspicion. He supposed it couldn't be helped.

"Being half elf and half ... something else, seems like it would give you the best of traits of your heritages." Hopefully the poke at Kurako's ancestry would distract him.