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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-04-2015, 11:49 PM

The forest was lovely, Kurako much preferred forests over towns and crowds of people. However, towns and crowds of people always had things to be stolen, something to be gained. Out here, there was just peace and beauty, at least compared to towns and such. The wilds could be chaotic, but never as much as the places were people dwelled. "I'm very good at what I do." He gave a slight shrug. "It's not the first time I've escorted someone through the wilds, I'm sure it won't be the last. I expect some fight in the mountains though, goblins like to carve tunnels through mountains and maybe some duergar, that is, grey dwarves."

The words were spoken with that hint of eagerness, it had been a long time since he'd had a good fight. Goblins as weak and unorganized as they were wouldn't really be a threat, but the duergar could be. "Those kind of creatures only come out at night though, their eyes to acclimated to dark tunnels are far too sensitive for daylight." That eagerness slipped from his tone a bit. "As long as we keep a fire, they'd probably avoid us." He almost seemed as if he'd be disappointed if such a fight were avoided. Kurako gave another shrug.

"You'll be fine, I'll get you to wherever you're going safely." That remark was spoken with such offhandedness, as if to suggest Patrin's fears of not surviving were completely unfounded. "As long as there's no rain, there shouldn't be much fear of landslides either. I might not know what's to come, but I've a pretty good idea of what to expect just by observing the terrain and weather. I know how to survive in the wilds and I trust you'll make this dangerous trek well worth my time?" Amusement had returned to his features.

He reached up then, gloved hand grabbing the edge of his hood as he pulled it down a bit so that he could just see beneath the top edge of it. Trying so hard to keep the markings on his face and neck hidden within the light shadow it offered.