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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 12:42 AM

Silence hung between them as they moved, hours passed and still Kurako did nothing to break the silence. Strangely enough it hadn't been an uneasy silence, at least not to him. It had been more a contemplative, perhaps a heavy silence, but not quite uneasy. Soon though he heard the sounds of a waterfall, and even if Patrin hadn't led them towards the water, Kurako surely would've taken the lead.

His companion went to the water, and thrust his head in it rather eagerly. At least, Kurako thought he seemed eager. A slight smile had been forming on his lips. It stopped suddenly as something moved in the water. There was no time for warning, as the thing had already grabbed Patrin with it's appendages. The half elf moved instantly. Sprinting towards the water, his dagger drawn and another, much smaller dagger was in his left hand.

Moments later Kurako was diving into the water, fully clothed and lavender eyes glowing slightly with the thrill of battle, the excitement of danger. He couldn't let that excitement grew too much, as he would have to keep a level head, since not only was his life at stake here. He moved towards the creature as quickly as he could, slashing at it with his daggers.

He would have to get dangerously close to this beast to kill it with such short weapons, but wasn't that the point of using daggers? His first priority was to try and free Patrin so the other could get to the safety of the shore before he dealt with the beast properly. Kurako came beside Patrin and with one of his daggers he cut at the appendages holding the man, with his other he tried to fend off the tentacles that came for him.