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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 02:03 AM

Kurako's words and the scent of healing herbs snapped him from his momentary lapse. Patrin wrapped his hands around the pack, and rummaged inside. Bandages, poultice and a bowl soon lay near his ankle. He busied himself cleaning the wound, purifying it with his touch, before applying the poultice and the bandages with a wince. It would heal well, but after more time then he liked.

The woman's words made him go rigid. His eye slid over Kurako's markings, noting them, before falling upon the dark haired stranger. His own platinum locks seemed white compared to her hair. "Poor child." He felt her fear, her anger, pulsing beneath his skin and wriggling there. He didn't know why, of course ... And yet it was enough. "You've led a hard life, haven't you? I don't suppose you would be predisposed to understanding loyalty. " He glanced at Kurako from his seat on the ground. "I couldn't leave my companion behind, certainly not after he risked his life to save mine."