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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 03:39 AM

His guitar set away in its case and his favorite sweater folded in a chair, Trey slipped back into the hall wearing much less clothes than usual, considering his small size normally left him dwarfed and his fingers covered nearly to the tips in sleeves. Without the sweater though, his arms had long black gloves and bands. A few straps crossed over his chest and arm area, and a skin tight tank top didn't quite cover his stomach. The little white cat forgottenly stuffed in his belt he had to take back to save its whiteness. Not that the cat was particularly special. Just something a fan gave him ages ago. He kept it nonetheless.

The last time left him hurrying his step. He heard the second Emil opened the back-stage door and it made his eyes snap open as he salivated. Of course he never looked wild or crazy. He was never that sort even if he was blunt, cold, or caustic in his speech. Without making any noise to alert anyone to his presence, he walked back-stage the second the girl hit the floor. His expression didn't change.

Arms crossed over his chest, he gestured to Emil with a wave of one hand and said in as few words as possible, "Eat first." He preferred to take his time.