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Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 04-08-2015, 02:47 AM

Astoria ran through the streets back to her home. She threw open the door screaming, "EXAMS ARE DONE!!!!" Her parents whooped with her and her mother came forward and gave her a big hug. "Finally! What do you say the four of us go out and party today?" her mother asked her. Astoria pretended to consider and made a big show of it. "Oh yeah," she said, grinning like a ten-year-old.

That day, Astoria, her brother Fred and her parents went out for a movie and a dinner. Astoria was enjoying her dinner when her father spoke up. "By the way, kiddo, there's a surprise waiting for you at home." Astoria raised her eyebrows. "Really? What kind of surprise?" Her curiosity was getting the better of her, but the only answer she got was a simple "You'll see."

As they drove home, Astoria persistently asked her parents what was going on. Finally, her seven-year-old brother answered. "You're going to Loss Angels to see all the race car races!" Astoria narrowed her eyebrows at her brother. "Oh yeah, bud? Well, do you wanna come too? Huh? You wanna come too?" she said as she tickled Fred and he screamed in laughter. "And it's Los Angeles, bud, not Loss Angels."

At home, Astoria saw a strange man in a black suit standing near the door. Her father seemed to know him. "I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long," he said. Black Suit shook his head. "I just got here. Is that Miss Astoria?" he asked, pointing in Astoria's direction. Astoria stepped forward. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Congratulations, Miss. You have won a ticket for the brand new luxury cruise ship Dreamweaver!" Black Suit said. Astoria smiled and took the ticket. "Cool! This is the surprise?" she asked her parents and they nodded. "That'll be fun, all four of us-"

"Not all four dear, just you," her mother said. Astoria looked up. "I'm going alone?" she asked. "No way! Mom, I can't take care of myself on my own, you know that!" Her mother was firm. "Yes you can. Get some confidence. This cruise is the perfect vacation for you. You worked so hard for your exams you deserve a treat." Astoria was still not satisfied. "Mom, my birthday is on one of these days. How can I celebrate it with you if I'm on a cruise?" Her mom sighed at that. "I know that dear, but trust me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. You can't just give it up. Anyhow, we'll talk on Skype on your birthday, okay?"

Astoria sighed and hugged her parents. "Thanks," she said. "You're welcome dear. Now go upstairs and pack, you're leaving tomorrow."


The next morning, Astoria said goodbye to her parents and got into the limo. She was nervous at the idea of being alone on a cruise ship. This was her first time out without her parents and she was pretty shaky. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and put on her headphones.

Finally, she boarded the airplane to Miami, the place from where the cruise would set sail. She started listening to music again when a boy, slightly older than her, sat in the seat next to her. She smiled at him and he smiled back. He looks familiar, she thought. Did he look like someone she knew? A cousin, perhaps? She thought about it but nothing came to mind.

After fifteen minutes, she took her headphones off and put them in the bag on her lap. An airhostess came with drinks. "A Sprite, please," the guy next to Astoria said. "Me too," Astoria said and the hostess handed them the drinks.

She looked at the boy next to her briefly before asking, "Do I know you?" The boy looked up. "Maybe. Do I look like someone you know?" he asked. Astoria looked at him with narrowed eyes. "You do, but I can't put my finger on it. Anyway, my name's Astoria." She held out her hand. The boy shook it. "Fe- Ford," he said. The two of them spent the rest of their time on the flight talking.

The airport wasn't far from the harbor, so Astoria decided to walk. Ford seemed to be going the same way, so they walked together. Once they reached the harbor, Ford turned to her. "Well, this is my stop," he said. Astoria raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Mine too! Where are you sailing to?" she asked but he didn't answer, for Black Suit stood in front. "Miss Astoria! I see you two are already acquainted. Mr. Newman and you are to be each other's companions on the cruise," he said, adressing both of them. Mr. Newman? Who was- Ohhh. She turned to look at "Ford." "Yeah," she said. "We're already acquainted." That sounded a lot more flippant than I feel, she thought.

Last edited by CycloneKira; 04-08-2015 at 10:41 AM..