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Bishalisious is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 01:30 PM

Amethyst Crystals are lovely stones to have in the home to encourage serene untroubled sleep and restful dreaming.

The energy of this Pisces Birthstone will settle your mind and help you to more make contact with the spiritual realm.

It is good to wear as it is a soothing stone that will aid anxiety and stress... and it is a strong stone to aid the development of psychic abilities.

These purple stones embody the violet flame energy, and can be used to take the healing vibration to a higher level. Crystals and Stones

When winter slowly makes way for budding spring, this time represents the Zodiac sign Pisces. The symbol is two fish swimming in the opposite directions of each other. This symbol illustrate the problem of dealing with conflicting emotions and goals.

Pisceans love making friends and being around them. They often put their friendsʼ needs before their own. If a friend is suffering a Piscean will make it their problem too and suffer with them. Gift giving is one of their specialties because they love making people feel great and loved. They donʼt care much for money but really care about their dreams and goals. They are successful in the businesses of art, music, marketing, and drama. Pisceans enjoy when other people are open and kind to them. When someone tells them a story about human suffering it touches their heart and makes them sensitive. They really feel the pain of someone else. If a Piscean is knocked down feeling gloomy and dealing with self-pity, they will get back up again and show the world that they are better than that.

Pisceans are very passionate lovers and really need to feel a connection with their companion before getting into something serious. They are attracted to people who need help and are suffering. What a Piscean really needs is a strong companion willing to make them stronger. They absolutely love compliments and being flattered.

The traditional stone, for those born under the Pisces Zodiac sign is Amethyst. Amethyst color is a violet that can either be light or dark. It is often known as the Bishopʼs stone. Amethyst symbolizes sincerity and spiritual wisdom. The word "Amethyst" is Greek for "not drunken".

To protect themselves from witchcraft, fear, and guilt, ancient Egyptians wore Amethyst. Now people use Amethyst to heal breathing problems and to keep their air clean at home. The biggest things that Amethyst protects a person from is alcohol and drunkenness. It is also believed to protect from poison. When you feel overworked or stressed out as can be use Amethyst to aid in relaxing and eliminating negative energy. Many people today are finding that Amethyst is a stone to build trust.

PISCES are ruled by the element of Water. Symbolised by the Fish, they need to eat foods that are good for their blood, liver and brain, which would include beef, liver, onions, whole grain cereals, prunes, lemons, oranges, apples, grapes, spinach, lamb. They tend to highly indulge in parties, something which they need to control. They must learn how to be moderate in everything. They also tend to suffer from bloating, so they need to watch their sodium intake which would be quite helpful. They need to cut down on the table salt and substitute it with exotic spices. Most Piscesean people have average height and built, sometimes on the plumper side. They have big, full eyes, often staring into the distance, and can be mesmerising. It is the only Sign of the Zodiac which can appear different in different situations. Their appearance gives an impression which is mysterious, generous and calm.
Pisces an be so disorganised, unsystematic and indisciplined that it can cause a lot of clutter in their minds. They can also get addicted to alcohol, which can disrupt their personal lives. They need to practice yoga and meditation, which can give them the peace of mind that they seek. This is a lucky Sign, and many of these natives make money from inheritance or windfalls. However, they are not too good at handling cash.

---------- Post added 04-19-2015 at 09:47 AM ----------

The Pisces natives have perhaps the most delicate physical structure. Their feet, respiratory and circulation systems can cause worries. Besides, they are very sensitive people, and easily take to junk food – which can lead to weight gain – and can also lead to addictions. Even minor seasonal changes can adversely affect their health. Potential dangers are located in the feet, which may suffer from rheumatisms or circulatory problems. Sometimes, there is a tendency for getting too anxious as they can be totally disconnected with the world. For the Pisces native, beauty is an inner thing, not an outer thing. And since they can be very fickle minded, they may choose to dress up well on one day and carelessly on another day. Wearing a pearl is a must for them. Women can wear bright make-up, but clothes of pastel shades look better on them, as they bring out the warmth in their personalities. They really don’t care a bit about fashion. They would rather wear clothes which are comfortable, and made of natural fabrics. However, their taste is sound, and they can come out dressed in good colour combinations.

---------- Post added 04-19-2015 at 09:53 AM ----------

This Pisces had a truly troubling dream this morning about death & talking to was also in it & a old friend I havent talked to in years was the 1 who ended up dying but held conversations with me before she crossed over. I know mostly dreams aren't to be taken literally, but are responses to whats going on inside of our minds subconsciously. Maybe I'm missing the old friendship I had since I was high school besties with this person therefore over the years our relationship died out & since we stay in different cities I need to travel to visit her. Hmmmm...

Last edited by Bishalisious; 04-19-2015 at 01:54 PM..