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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 10:09 PM

“Your father will be very pleased.” Karenina got up from the table. “When you clam the girl, you will do so as a gentleman, even if she is only human doing it any other way would be unbecoming for a noble.” She got up from the table. “Your father should be here soon.” She got up and approached the window looking out at the night sky. “You will have to call him and tell him that you intended to clam the girl, that way when he comes he will have a sacrifice for the blood moon with him. As the lord of this castle even you will have to drink some of the blood, even if it does go against your wishes. This is a time when we celebrate. As vampires we are at our most powerful when we drink fresh human The girl who is chosen will also be turned after all for her the true is the end of her human life. That was how your father explained it to me years ago, adjusting to my new life was the hard part, if he hadn't been with me I don't think I would have made it thought the blood moon all of those years ago.” She turned and smiled at her son. “Try to calm yourself and see about your other duties, I will need to talk to your uncle.”

Last edited by IndigoKitsune; 04-19-2015 at 10:59 PM..