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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 04-23-2015, 02:48 AM

“Neither would I.” Karenina said softly. “Blood like that would be very harmful to my son.” She got up slowly and walked up to the window. “Your brother should be here in a night or two.” She turned and smiled at the old man. “When he comes I will talk to him about his Damien’s feeding habits.” She shook her head. “Right now we can only hope that Damien, will be able to bite the girl that his father brings for the blood moon. Knowing my husband, he will at least tell the girl what is going to happen to her.”
Connie blushed. “Thank you master Damien.” She moved closer to him her heart pounding, she breathed deeply and did her best to calm herself. When she saw the garden her eyes light up. “ l love it.” She smiled at him and or a moment she felt like she could kiss him. “Master.” She let go of his hand wondering if this feeling was what they called vampiric seduction or if she was only caught up in the moment.
((What do you have in mind?))