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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 04-29-2015, 03:48 AM

Haji walks after Mainko flowing her to the spot. she wanted them to sit down at he hope it would. be not too crowded with people. it would not be safe for him if a solar eclipse happen's. since he was one of the oddball werewolf's in his pack.

Kobato only smiles as she hold's a sigh back. then knocks on Mrs.Otwa's classroom then go's in. when she was allowed to do so. she gave the teacher her gift plus told her it was from her husband. then left the classroom after she said it was already paid for in full. she heads off to Mr.Shin's classroom knock's. on his door when she get there wondering what type of thing did he have planned for her? "Mr.Shin this is Miss. Isumi here for her punishment work Sir." she says while waiting for his answer. before walking into his classroom.