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Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~<3
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Evergreen Goddess is offline
Old 05-03-2015, 11:05 PM

"Mom don't worry, I'm on my way there." Cole said as he headed out his front door, locking it behind him. "I'll be at the hospital in twenty minutes, tell dad that I said hi. Alright, see you soon." He said and hung up before letting out a soft sigh and climbed into his car, driving off towards the hospital. His mother didn't want to tell him what was wrong with his dad, but it couldn't be good if he was in the hospital. Turning up the volume of his radio, Cole tried not to work so much about it and continued driving. Suddenly his cell phone rang and even though he didn't want to answer it, he did. "Hello?" Cole answered. "Hey buddy. Look I was thinking of the job we were given and I think it would be best that I wait until nightfall. Too many witnesses out in the daytime you know?" His friend said calmly. His friend was currently sitting in his own car, parked outside a restaurant watching the people as they walked in and out. Cole quickly came to a stop at a stoplight and shook his head. "I think that would be smart yes. Just make sure you have everything ready. Wouldn't want to mess this up you know." Cole replied.

His friend nodded to himself and smirked. "I'm not going to mess this up man, no way." He replied. "Just wanted to let you know that way if you wanted to, you could help me out?" He suggested. "If I have the time man, I will. Right now I'm on my way to the hospital." Cole replied. "Oh man, is everything okay?" His friend asked. "I honestly have no idea, I'll talk to you later man." Cole answered and after saying their goodbyes, he hung up and made a sharp turn into the hospital's emergency parking lot. Finding a parking space was tough but he was able to find one and parked easily. Climbing out with his phone and keys, he locked the door, set the alarm and ran toward the hospital doors, walking inside.