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Inzanebraned is offline
Old 05-05-2015, 08:51 AM

Good morning, Dazzy!
I trust you slept well?
No...the migraines are not a new thing for the BF. His mom had chronic headaches that caused her to vomit often...and his sister is a sufferer, also.
The BF's trigger seems to be when he goes for hours without ingesting any Mt.Dew...his life blood! Lol!
He had been stranded at the Dog Guy's house for 3 hours, then came home and chugged a bunch of Koolaid because we have no way to buy him any transportation...and walking in the thunderstorms at night is suicidal, not only cuz of lightning, but the highway is DARK!...and drivers tend to drive TOWARD the creatures walking on the side of the road, for some reason! ....been having lots of deer vs car/motorcycle accidents, lately! I think it better to tolerate the headache than to become roadkill! Lol!
He got some soda the next day and felt much better by the evening.
Have you ever tried avocado ice cream? ....I saw it on some cooking show, once, and said "Like, YUM!"
I can't afford avocados even when they are on sale for $1 the condition and taste just isn't what an avocado used to be like when I was young!
I did live much closer to the source when I was young, too....not requiring the fruit to be shipped halfway across the nation before I could even attempt to buy it!
Y'know....nothing tastes like it did or is supposed to any more! ....even my grandkids (excluding Hope) refuse to eat ground beef!
I am absolutely tickled pink that you are enjoying the book, Dazzy! I was pretty sure you would! Please do look for more titles, for each book is an adventure all its own, though continually being part of the whole story!
I am so glad I read as many of the series as I did, when I could....cuz I can still vividly remember certain things and how my mind's eye saw things when I first read the books some 20 years ago.
I hope you have truly terrific Tuesday, my Friend! !