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Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-19-2015, 04:00 AM

Bazel chuckled at the woman's comment. Her firing back at him with such ease. It was one of the things he loved most about her. The way she was not afraid like others were to speak, to flirt back to him. It was refreshing and a challenge, one he could not pass up. She stood then, seeming excited by his comment of allowing her to go out and look for the guardians. She said he would get what he wanted and more. He turned, leaning back on his hands on the desk. He crossed his ankles before him casually. The other presence within the room had been there, dim but now seemed to awaken more. He could sense it, feeling who it was. It seemed one of his other followers had gotten into this place as well before him.

The male who spoke and looked up at him was Kaname, the boy of fear. His eyes moved to the other's, as he spoke. Soon enough, the male was moving out from under the desk, pressing closer to him. He was taking in the scent of the blood that lingered upon the air around him. He chuckled once more, as the other remained close to him. "Listening in again Kaname? Like a little rabbit in your den under my desk" he gently lifted a hand, stroking the other's head for a moment. He turned his attention back to Eliana. She assured him they would find the gems by tomorrow, that little could hide from her.

He nodded to her, a coy smile playing upon his lips. "I look forward to watching to make them squirm in the process then" he says, before turning his eyes once more to Kaname. He lifted the male's face, for a moment looking within his eyes. "Where is your brother?" he asked the other, it was rare for the two to be to far from one another. At the same time, he was more wary of Hakumei being off on his own lately without the other, though he did not openly give this information away. If he did even hint at it, it would simply come off as a concerned parent. He cared for both of them, after all, he created them. They were his greatest weapons and his greatest family and allies.

He would not allow something to come to harm them. He knew in time however, it would come to pass that he would need them to take part in this war as well. He released him, moving over to Eliana, he looped an arm around her waist, pulling her form closer to his own. He smiled at her, "I will deal with the boys, why dont you get can have the day free as well....pamper yourself and have some fun...before you join me for dinner of course." With that he let her go. Of course, that could have been his way of asking her for a date, or simply to get another rise out of her. He often dined with the boys, or alone. It was nice at times to dine with another, especially if the company was that of a beautiful woman.

If she agreed, that would be good. If not, he would let it pass. There would be time to chase and be chased later on. Turning his attention back to Kaname once more, he nodded to the boy. "Lets go get your brother...then we can get some breakfast" he smiled to him. He would take the other near the scene from last night, he would be able to relish in the fear within the air from there.


Pearl continued to give off waves of uncertainty. Peridot had always been more hightened to the emotional and mental state of the other eleven. Perhaps it was his nature as it was to take on a more leader like and fatherly role to them. Then again, it did not take a genious to see that there was something bothering the other. He nodded to him, as he agreed to come with him. It was hard to put his thoughts into words here? Peridot understood, people being all around them could make finding the words....difficult. At the same time though, this being their first meeting in so long did not help it. "You do not have to worry" he said to the other, "whatever is on your need only say it. Whatever it may be...we will face it together."

He meant that, he would not allow Pearl to face something alone. He knew the other would most likely prefer if it were Diamond coming to his aid than he, but he would do his best in order to help him reach a better state of mind. Taking his keys out of his pocket, he led the otherfrom the cafe. The walk was in silence, as he allowed the other to gain his thoughts, while gaining his own as well. He was taking the other to his home, his own personal space. It was a dangerous thing to take strangers to one's home at time, but Pearl was not a stranger right? He looked to the other beside him. No, he did not believe the other was as stranger like as the other might believe he was. They were still themselves.

They reached the beautiful home, the outside contemporary and elegent, though not standing out enough to overly gain attention. He walked up to the door, opening the door. The cats were immediately at the door on the other side, though neither stepped out. Their eyes on Pearl for a moment, as Peridot stepped aside to allow the other to enter first. "Welcome to our home... " he said to the other. Animus moved first, trotting out the door to rub himself up alongside of Pearl's leg in a comforting way. He circled around the back of him, before trotting back into the house as if telling the other to come in. Ariel meowed, looking at him, before she turned to follow the other. Once Pearl had entered, Peridot would follow and close the door.

"I'll make some tea" he says, motioning to the couch, to let the other sit down. As he moved into the kitchen, he began the pot of water for the tea. "Now...what is on your mind....something is weighing on you..." he says, his back to the other. "If I am able to help ...I wish to. No matter how long we have been apart, I still care about you " he turned to him once the water was going, "so I will do what I can to assist you."


Diamond smiled, glad to see that Opal was the same old self she had known back then. The woman was one of the few she had really bonded with. Some of the others thought se was about her looks, while others sought her for her beauty. For a moment, her mind passed to Pearl. A hand moved over her heart, as her thoughts slipped to him for a moment. She hoped that he was alright...had he awoken yet? The conversation and thoughts were interrupted then, when someone moved in their way. The fiery red head was hard to miss, the way she boldly spoke up to them. Though her comments were a bit less than kind to begin with. She made a comment about her dress, causing Diamond to once more look down at what she was wearing.

She had not wanted to be to overly extravagent with her clothing, but was it really that bad? A simple dress, she had thought that it had suited her. It seemed that Ruby did not agree. She was then speaking to Opal, commenting upon her hair. The girl spoke precisely and directly, moving from one subject to another. It was then like someone had flipped a switch, Ruby becoming flustered. She told them to move on, before she was stepping away from them. She looked after her for a moment, before Opal was moving after her. She did not skip a beat, moving forward to follow the other two. Opal naturally went to the kind side, telling the woman that it was alright and that she was not mad.

Diamond gently placed a hand upon her shoulder, giving a warm smile of her own to the fiery red haired woman. "It is quite alright indeed Ruby....there is no need to be so flustered about that" she found herself chuckling a bit, "it was quite a surprise to see you...but it is also a relief. We have not seen you in awhile....still as passionate as ever." She gave the other a hug, glad to see her indeed. She took in the sight of the other, still going her own direction as always. She wore a kimono, which looked beautiful on her. Diamond still planned to change when she had the chance, but it seemed that this would have to wait once more. It seemed that Ruby had come out here for some reason, so the two of them could possibly get her to come with them if she allowed them.

"How are you doing?" she asked, following suit with Opal and as she had done when she met the other. She was curious about the other's well being, how she was fitting in to this day and age. She hoped that time had been well to her, that she had been able to have the same good fortune that Opal seemed to have.



The sound of music played within his ears. His eyes closed, he allowed the sound of the melody to wash over him. The sun was risen, but he had long since ignored it since he came up here hours ago. He had slipped out of his bed, unable to sleep. The dreams that formed when he did were flashes of memories that were not his. This was not the first time this had happened and it would probably not be the last. Bazel said that it was from the sense ability that he held, it caused him to see them...feel them.... He could keep them out most of the time, though at others he could not. When he was asleep, he was more open and vulnerable, especially to this sense. He had gotten images of them in various situations.

Some he would have preffered not to. He pushed the thoughts from his mind as they began to bubble up once more. He had come up here, up to the roof of the building where Bazel worked. He had not wanted to disrupt his brother's sleep, so he had allowed the other to rest. He had come here to relax, to cool off. He had sensed his brother's nightmares as well, the other was plagued by images as well, of other natures. The other had come here, perhaps looking for him or sensing what was going on around here. Bazel was off doing his own thing again, not that Hakumei should care. But part of him did, part of him cared about the killing that was going on in this night. The music could drown it out for the most part most of the time, but today, it seemed especially stubborn.

He sighed, his arms behind his head. One leg resting crossed on the other. He looked up at the sky above him, a few clouds rolling in. He wore a simple white t-shirt, jeans and combat boots. Typical of him, as well as the coat with fur tum around him as well. The only accents to his outfit were the gloves with speakers built in, and the matching goggles that were currently hanging loosely around his neck. They were typically upon his head, but currently that was taken up by the headphones. He preferred the real deal, rather than the ones that you simply popped into your ears. He could feel both Bazel and Kaname in the building below him, they were definitely there. He sat up, looking out over the city.

It was not a long streatch to believe that tthey would soon come to find him, that they would soon come up here. Kaname and Hakumei were naturally inseparable....they were twins, brothers. They were completely in sync most of the time, although coming into teen age and now young adult, they were becoming more independant. However, that did not stop them from being close in nature as well. They shared a bond that no one could understand, one no other could share. They were born of one soul, that split into two. They were not identical though, each holding their own appearance and nature. This seemed to surprise people, especially those rare few who knew the truth about them. Hakumei and his brother had been born of the DNA of the twelve, along with Bazel.

They were brought into this world in order to serve as a similar being to the original that apparently the twelve and Bazel had been born from. Seems it didn't quite work out that way. Even their powers were different. Hakumei looked down at his hand. He clenched it into a fist, before opening it. Around it, red bands of energy began to swirl, like wisps of red smoke. They gave off a faint hum, like music. The notes hard in nature, like something one would hear in a rock song. He stood slowly, turning towards a solid concrete column upon the roof. He pulled his fist back, before slamming it into the column. Cracks spread out from the hit, as the concrete caved inwards. Seconds later, it shattered, as a rush of wind blew apart the pieces. They settled on the roof as nothing more than useless rubble after the hit.

Looking at his hand, slight cuts had come to his hand as a result, though it was little damage as it should have normally been if someone tried this. He sighed, turning around and walking to the edge of the roof. When were things going to get interesting around here?
