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Take my darkest fears and play them like a lullaby, like a reason why.

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Old 05-25-2015, 04:03 AM

Played by blueblackrose
“As one cycle ends another begins to bring forth a better and brighter future for this world struggling to survive.”

Nickname: Ra, Rach, Ana
Appear to Be: 16
Real Age: My age does not matter as my cycle within this world shall come to an end soon. (over 1000)
Gender: female
Species: Elemental of Creation & Life
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Unknown
Hair: Iridescent White
Eyes: Iridescent Blue with speckles of silver and black
Height: 4' 9"
Weight: 98
Build: Petite
Markings: A birthmark in the shape of the infinity symbol on my right wrist. Also what appears to be a lotus blossom tattoo on the left side of my stomach.
Animal Form: Falcon

Personality: What are you like?
Likes: Nature, the beings of this world living in harmony, animals, sweet things, my partner, my brothers and sister spirits and seeing others happy.
Dislikes: Senseless destruction and death, those who seek to bring more chaos and darkness, the human who caused everything, sour thing and seeing others getting hurt.
Why do you fight: I'm on the side of the world. I fight because this world was never meant to sink into the darkness. The chaos caused by the selfish acts of one human fueled by his own personal hatred shouldn't be allowed to consume the once beautiful world that we lived in. Peace needs to once more be brought to this land. I know that peace will not come from my hands, but it will come from the hands of the chosen. As long as there is breath within my body I shall do all within my power to make sure that they succeed.

Powers/Skills: What are you good at?
Weaknesses: You must have at least one
Weapons: Up to three
Clothing Style: What do you typically wear?

History: This can be as long or short as you want.

Extra: Anything else you want to share

Last edited by blueblackrose; 05-26-2015 at 04:59 PM..