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I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
Oh goodness - definitely a double whammy there!! Raised up would probably be better than lol!

Definitely a good tactic - it's hard when they're so little to have more than one kid at once when you're by yourself - especially in crowded placed :3

Right?? Depending on the situation, I'll step in and discipline the kids if they're at our house, especially if the parents aren't home - a stern talking to or a time out if necessary allows them to learn right from wrong and realize that there are consequences to not obeying/following the rules etc. - sometimes you just have to put your foot down! It's never easy, especially when they start crying, but they have to learn somehow!

The other thing I hate seeing is when kids hit/slap/kick etc. their parents or other people - I could NEVER imagine letting a kid do that!! I saw someone taking a screaming toddler out of Turkey Hill while we were making ice cream and while she waited for a staff member to open the door, the kid was slapping the mother in the face left and right and the woman was just letting her! I couldn't believe it. That definitely floored me - and unfortunately it's not the only time I've seen it!

I agree :3 I just don't want to see people get in trouble for posting how they shouldn't be. :( Especially because it can lead to a permanent infraction or temporary disabling of an account etc.!
Yeah. We do have a tiny little table on our front porch area - but it's not really big enough for a big planter. Hmmm!

Yeah, it's possible - I've done it before, but definitely a good way to exhaust yourself! :) It works for now, with just the girls - I know the hubs wants another kid, we're waiting a bit though for that. :P

It is hard to discipline, but it's needed for sure, to just let kids know their boundaries of what is and what isn't allowed. I hate having to discipline, it breaks my heart whenever my kids cry. D: With tantrums, Becca is the queen of them. We let her just cry her way through them, not acknoledging her, so she doesn't associate us giving her attention with her tantrums, but oh my goddess... it breaks my heart every time. D:

Oh gosh, that is a HUGE no to me - and letting them just get away with it... *sighs* Parenting fails there! D:

Yeah, the rules are pretty simple - it's good to just make sure that you're aware so that nothing bad happens.