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I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 01:23 AM

Sorry I kind of disappeared - life got insane there.

Emma: I'm from a family with a small gap between me and my older brother (Carlie doesn't count, he's my twin. :P) and then a large gap between my sister and myself. So I know both. Both are alright, I did love that I got a little sister - I was 7 when she was born - my oldest brother was 9. Both of ours are close in age - Becca is almost 4, and Sophia just turned 1, but it's a good age gap. I don't mind it. :]

They really are horrible! Plus when Becca starts to scream and reach those higher levels, Sophia usually starts screaming as well. And I want to bang my head into a wall.

I totally do agree with you there, hon. It's knowing when you need to step in, and when they need to find out on their own, with you there to step in if needed. And that is so true - it is such a careful balance that most people don't have. Sure I know I have failed at some of that, especially with Becca as we were just learning what works and what doesn't. It really is just a matter of figuring out what works and what doesn't. It really is so so so important to find a way to teach them that right from wrong, so true! It's a matter of figuring out what works for you and your child as it may be different than how another parent has to go about it for their child. There are times that I wish that kids came with a manual, but kids don't. It's a matter of trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't.