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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-03-2015, 11:18 PM

1. Follow ALL Mene Rules
2. Trust my judgement and decisions as the game maker.
3. Keep ooc within the ooc.
4. Players must post a GOOD SIZE paragraph for each post minimum. I understand writers block, but give us something to work on. One, two or three liners repeatidly, will not be accepted.
5. No god modding.
6. If you are going to be gone for awhile, let us know.
7. PM all profiles to me titled "Immortal", or they will not be looked at or accepted.
8. Each person can play as many characters as they like. But only ONE original member of the Vladamir house if you so chose to.
9. Be committed! Don't join if you are going to poof a page or two in. I want this one to last, so make sure you are able to put in the needed time and posts.
10. I reserve the right to add and subtract rules as needed.



HTML Code:
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="SlateGray"][CENTER][img][/img]

[img]Character image here[/img]

[COLOR="yourchoice"][SIZE="7"][FONT="Vivaldi"]Name Here[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[INDENT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="yourchoice"]~Puppet Master~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
XXX (Must be eighteen or older)[/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="yourchoice"]~Gender~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
XXX(Vladamir, Cain or human)
XXX[/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="yourchoice"]~Power's and Abilities~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
XXX (If not part of the Vladamir house, do not put any powers. Only Abilities. All Vladamir family have the following powers: Enhanced senses, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, elongated canines and the ability to appear like normal humans during the day. At night, all of them altar to have red eyes, pale skin and show their fangs. You can have more abilities of your choosing, don't go crazy.)[/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="yourchoice"]~Biography~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
XXX (your path in the rp. Do they wish to gain the power of the necklace, do they wish to free themselves from it, what is their position or goal on the conflict basically.)[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="yourchoice"]~Extra~[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Last edited by Kiyoto; 06-04-2015 at 01:15 AM..