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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 06-08-2015, 09:14 PM

Androw would find that in the spare room, there were already all bags that he might have in hotel room of the planet they just departed from or other some such belonging. How and when it had been delivered would remain a mystery until he asked Issa about it. Who, in the meantime of his wanderings, had moved her chess session with Nathan to the reclining area on the lower deck, while Roscoe multi-tasked between preparing meal for the crew and continuing the match. Of course, all the conversations about the case had been left in the captain's cabin and now they played in silence. At least, until Androw arrived.

"In three turns," she replies automatically, not even hiding the plans. When the witness-help turned his attention to Nathan, he simply states: "She won't. That Issa would win couldn't even be questioned, it is simple fact, rule of life aboard Pincer. For the man, it is just one of the threads that make his life at least somewhat stable, like a known, old worn shirt. If he thought about it, it was really amazing how quickly he had gotten used to the way things were in Issa's team and now he'd die defending that order. What he didn't know was how this new presence on the ship would turn everything upside down and with time, he'd grow to accept and even like that as well.

When Androw starts to speak with Tasi, the other two automatically tune in. It isn't that they are eavesdropping - after all, the other two aren't being particularly quiet either - so when the colctivus woman claims to have always wanted to meet human, Issa steps in: "Roscoe is human." In her culture, it is completely proper to correct someone who is mistaken or forgetful right away in middle of conversation, so it doesn't occur to her she might be rude.

Quickly, she is actually pulled into the conversation, with Tasi's questions about dyes. "Dyes are substances that change color of what they are applied to. Humans and other cultures have used them since ancient times, dyeing items, fabrics and parts of themselves, like tattoos, first human use of dyes are known to be 37500 years Before Pact. At first, human hair dyes in particular were made of various plants, like henna, other races have used crystal dust and other matter. Now, there are many types of dyes, many, especially the permanent ones, are destructible to the hair structure because if often destroys the natural pigmentation in the hair and the excessive exposure to chemical traumatizes the whole hair, making it dry and frail; prone to breaking. Still, people chose to use them for aesthetic purposes and now there are dyes that even change color depending on the light or pigments that constantly reflect light in a way they create illusion of rainbow colored hair."

She would probably continue, striking more despair in heart of her crew and Androw, if three turns had not been passed and she didn't need to claim Check Mate in her game with Nathan. The vast amount of knowledge about countless things their captain possessed still sometimes surprises the human soldier, but he also sometimes wished she would not be prone to be sharing all of it at any given moment. This had to be just a tiny fraction of her knowledge on dyes and it was already more than enough in his opinion. Then again, how Radelle had not learned the term 'dye' yet was beyond him. He chose not to comment the 'chan' and 'kun' matter, and not having him considered human, even mentally because it was ridiculous and not worth thinking about. ... Mission failed.

However, they were saved from further lectures on dyes due to Galerow's interest in comparing the data. Since the session had ended, much faster than usually, too (Nathan blamed the fact one of his ears was still ringing from the explosion), part of Issa's attention was completely free and there is nothing more she likes to occupy herself than processing information. "Excellent idea, I would like to browse the data as well," she stated, nearly sounding slightly less monotone than usually.

Although there were some clearance issues, this would be a good way to see Galerow's information in its purest form and what he truly had, before he had a chance to add anything from their sources and she could always have Tasi - Radelle - skip over some high security files. So, she joined the pair, ready to work.

Nathan on the other hand, carried the chess set back to the captain's cabin and proceeded to finish making the meal. It was not that they always didn't just order some sort of take outs or used some of the instant-prepared meals they had stocked up, but the produce from the planet they had visited was always good, so, Issa and him had decided to stock up on some before they even landed and let the delivery deal with it. It wasn't that Roscoe was the designed cook of the crew, he and Issa took turns and even Tasi pitched in sometimes, but it was unspoken fact his was the most enjoyable food of all, as Issa's was nearly tasteless and Tasi's cooking was as eccentric as she was herself. Well, of course, each lady could think that her food was the best, for all he knew, but somehow, he still ended up cooking most often.

As the three proceeded to compare the notes, Nathan noted that the new comer and Issa soon formed... Nearly a sort of competition who would notice similarities or important differences sooner, although, of course sath woman wasn't particularly passionate about it, but she certainly didn't let the other make the note first if she had seen it first. Personally, he was more interested in how extensive Androw's information was and how sometimes, he had gotten a step further before hitting dead end like they had, but sometimes the team had gotten just a bit further.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~