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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 06-09-2015, 03:21 AM

"Stay with me, Vanity!" Ange whispered to Vanity as he grabbed a tight hold of the rope with one hand, letting his other one reach behind him to hold Vanity in place. He slipped a leg over the frame of the window and, as quickly as he could, began to climb down. He hoped he'd at least have enough time to make it somewhat close to the ground before he could just jump and not hurt himself or Vanity.

He found himself constantly looking up at the window as it got smaller and smaller the further down he climbed. Hopefully the fact that he'd locked the door to the guard's room was enough to keep those guards at bay long enough to keep them off Ange's and Vanity's trail. Ange gently rubbed Vanity's back with the hand that held her as he climbed down. He could hear the sounds of the guards messing with the door. Thank whatever deity is up there for hospitals having metal doors!

Ange looked down and could see the ground approaching quickly. He climbed down a little more, then decided to jump the last few feet. As Ange let go of the rope, he held Vanity tightly against his body as he fell to the ground. Ange landed on his feet and let out a deep breath.

"Are you alright, Vanity?" He asked. "Stay with me!"

He looked up at the window, seeing a light coming from it, which, told him that the guards had finally gotten the door open. It gave him shivers (whether they were of triumph or fear, he didn't know, but he'd swear up and down, they were feelings of pride) when he heard the sound of the alarm going off. He and Vanity had all of two seconds to get as far away as they possibly could, and so, Ange started running.

He took off running into the foliage with Vanity on his back. He didn't stop even for a second, under his breath he prayed that Vanity would be alright. It was honestly scary to see someone so powerful in such a vulnerable position. He gripped her tighter and continued to run, deep into a thick, woodsy area that just surrounded the hospital. He didn't stop there, no, Ange continued to run until he had gotten through the woods and made it back to the empty streets of the city, just outside of the woods that surrounded the hospital.

Ange paused once he was standing on the sidewalk with Vanity on his back. He didn't want to be suspicious to any passerby, so he ducked into a dark alleyway.

He gently set Vanity down against a brick wall of the building and knelt next to her. "Vanity...? You gotta fight it!"