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OriginalSin is offline
Old 06-18-2015, 10:56 AM

"Oh my god, thank you!" Eliza gushed as she took the bottle of water from Roland. "I think it's probably been about 3 years since I drank clean water" she said, and then poured some into her mouth. It was cool and refreshing as she swallowed it, and it made her feel instantly better. Eliza listened intently as Roland spoke of his time in the vault and how long he'd been free from it. "I don't think humans were made to survive like that, living in vaults like we were. I feel better just being out in circulating air. It was so stale and rotten in that place. I'm lucky I never knew anything else, because I watched it kill my mother, you know, being locked up like that" she sighed. Tears were springing to her eyes but she blinked them away and have a brave smile. "I'm free" she laughed.

When Roland handed her the gun gun, Eliza took it cautiously. She knew what they were, she knew how they worked and how to use them, but With Roland was the first time she had ever been behind one when it killed someone. That was a scary thought... I'm going to have to kill a lot more from now on she realised. When he said he would take her to get cleaned up, Eliza realised that she was covered in drying blood. "Yeah, clean sounds good" she smiled and then in reply to his question of her eyes "They don't hurt, I don't know what it will be like when I take these off though". Carefully, Eliza removed the goggles from her face and opened her eyes into the natural sunlight. "Everything's kinda pulsing, like different colours. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. It's not too painful either" she smiled up at Roland and then got up onto her feet and stood beside him. "So, which way to the town?" she asked, thankful that he was sticking with her.