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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 06-29-2015, 02:21 AM

Ange was so concentrated on finding a shelter for Vanity that, at first, he didn't notice when she began to use her powers. He sort of glanced at her through his peripheral vision for a moment when her eyes opened a little and they were ever so bright!

Ange stopped in his tracks and held onto Vanity tightly, worried about her being in danger, perhaps. He wasn't sure what was going on and frankly, he would rather be safe than sorry. Whatever was going on with her, it appeared to be taking quite a bit of her energy. When her eyes returned to their normal color, Ange noticed she seemed to be winded.

Vanity said there may be a shelter on the next street over. Well, Ange wasn't sure how she knew that, but he trusted her. Maybe she was psychic or something too?

"Come on, Vanity..." Ange whispered and he began to walk her towards the next street over. He held on to her waist tightly with one hand as the other supported her hand over his shoulders. He liked the feeling of looking after someone else for a change, rather than always looking after himself. Though, he'd swear up and down that Vanity meant nothing more to him than just a warm body to talk to, he was honestly growing very, very fond of having her around.

The shelter came into view and Ange grew anxious. He gently lifted his hand from Vanity's waist and slipped it under her legs to pick her up once again.

"Look," he said, "I'll tell them you're sick or something, we're siblings and I'm dropping you off here until I can find our distant relative who will pick us up at the nearest train station." He sighed, "I'm not that good with coming up with fake background stories on the fly, give me a break..."