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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 07-09-2015, 06:22 PM

The floorboards were creaking beneath her foot. This place seemed to be even older than she'd originally imagined. Generations of people probably died in this old house. Colette adjusted her hat as she took another step inside the family's resi- well, ex-residence, now. The interior was made up, almost entirely of rotting wood. It was obvious, despite how rich this family appeared to be, they did not take very good care of their home. Often this was for reasons that Colette understood well, houses this old had a lot of history that the future generations loved to preserve. However, it does nothing for the souls that become entangled and trapped in the webs of sorrow that clung to the ceiling and webbed the banisters of the wooden stairs.

She turned her attention to the small piece of parchment in her hands, which had tiny, inked scribbles across it. Instructions, of course. How to care for the house and which rooms are the haunted ones. Colette was not afraid of a little haunting. She was quite confident in her own abilities that she would not need instructions for how to care for this house.

Whatever ghosts were in here, she'd be the one it took to free them from their bonds that keep them forever trapped on earth. Colette straightened her back, standing stiff as a board, she boldly walked across the creaky floorboards and delved further into the maddening darkness of the abandoned mansion. Her heels clicked against the floor in an odd, yet, soothing rhythm that gave her come comfort and sense of familiarity in such a strange, unfamiliar environment.

"Alright..." She spoke softly to herself, "My room should be..." Colette took the time to study the foyer. It was quite large, a staircase to the left, which spiraled up into the top level, then there was a mysterious, almost-hidden staircase that was far in the back of the foyer, next to a dusty fireplace. Colette assumed that it led into whatever would be considered a basement. She snapped her fingers awkwardly, trying to add some sound to the, otherwise, soundless building, just to get her sensory skills going, as she took a glance at the parchment scrap again. "My room should be just down the left corridor. Behind the staircase?"

Colette shoved the parchment into the breast pocket of her jacket, reaching down to grab her suitcases, she made her way towards the staircase, noticing the strange portraits that hung scattered the wall with dull shades of reds, blues, and greys. Low and behold, there was, in fact, a long, corridor, dark, dank and covered with portraits that followed the length of the hall. She took, careful steps, half expecting something to pop out at her as she walked. Colette was prepared for anything, she had visited homes before where things have come flying towards her as the ghosts made attempts to get the stranger out of their house. She was rather glad that this house, so far, had no such surprises.

Colette found her room immediately, she could tell which was hers before hers had the door slightly ajar and broken from its hinges. Tearing away the strings of cobwebs that were caught in the doorway, Colette slipped into the room, eyes wide and focused. Well, now was her time to become acquainted with this house. Whatever tricks it had, Colette would be prepared. She walked towards the bed and lazily threw her one suitcase and briefcase onto the bed, jumping back a little as a large cloud of dust gathered from underneath her suitcase.

Colette coughed, yes, it appeared this house would definitely take some time to get used to. Considering it was still day time, Colette decided she'd take a short nap, she'd need her rest if she were to stay up tonight. Now, of course, it was not ladylike to sleep in one's street clothing, however, Colette never cared for the "ladylike". She pushed her suitcase to the other side of the bed and flopped onto it unceremoniously. It was not comfortable, but it could be grown to be tolerated, she concluded.

Thus, began her first night in this strange mansion.