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Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-12-2015, 07:46 AM

That's the first time I've had sex with a guy. ever. I never intended to and honestly that part of the night is pretty hazy but I'm not going into those details.

I agree with you, that men should have that right, I totally and 100% do and if he chooses to sign over all legal parental rights, and the courts do choose to "make" him pay. I can actually drop the child support orders. State that I do not need them, nor do I want them. And I plan on doing so. I've even told him that. Of course no response other than I am a horrible person for giving him my last name and not his. -WHICH my actual reason behind that is my son will be the only person in my family that will be able to pass on the name and genetics. If not that bloodline/name ends with me and my brother *my brother is sterile so yeah*

And yes very much so ex best friend. Which hurts a lot because we've been through some major major major crap together over the past almost decade.

His parents are very much so the people who financially support but nothing further than that. It's always been "oh I missed your birthday? heres a new bike" "I'm sorry darling, I didn't show up to your football game - here's a new stereo for your car" kind of parents. So far as they are concerned "oh just cut the kid a check, it's all he needs anyways"

The way the world is today is precisely the reason I would of decided to probably never have kids. And if this hadn't been a total -whatever the hell it was- and I was sexually active with opposite gender I would take any and all precautions. I've fought with myself and been angry with myself for bringing another child into this world, and into such chaos, but in the end my "everything happens for a reason" motto won.